The Mosyle integration allows IT teams to view all devices and users within their organization. By having this data within FMX, these IT teams can create tickets on their behalf, and audit what they have available.

This article will explain how to set up your Mosyle integration with FMX for your devices. These instructions are for users who have purchased the Mosyle integration and have already been added to prismatic. If you are interested in adding this integration please reach out to your account manager at FMX. Once an FMX team member reaches out you can begin the process with the below steps. 

**The Mosyle device integration needs to be set up prior to setting up the user integration.***

Create Mosyle Access Token

*This is the same token you will need for the user setup. 

Before starting the integration setup in FMX you will need to create an access token in Mosyle. To do this in your Mosyle site go to My District > Integrations > Activate New Integration > Add new token. You need to use "Restricted by Server IP" and put these two IP addresses in:

After you select save you can proceed to the next steps. You will need this token in  the "Configuration" section of the integration set up process. 

Add Equipment Types

Please make sure that you have the equipment types in FMX updated for which Mosyle OS groups you would like them to map to. If they are not then you will have to go back in to reconfigure the integration for those types to be an option in prismatic.  See this support center article on how to add equipment types. 

Add Custom Fields

Add the customs required custom fields in your FMX site before starting the integration steps. The custom fields need to be in FMX prior to the steps being completed so that you will be able to map the correct Mosyle field to correct FMX field. 

Add the following fields:

  • Mosyle Serial Number- add this custom field for Equipment, that is a text field. Make sure that you do not limit the permitted user types or exclude any of the equipment types you want map over for this field so that the integration can work properly. 
  • Mosyle udid - add this custom field for Equipment, that is a text field. Make sure that you do not limit the permit user types or exclude any of the equipment types you want map over for this field so that the integration can work properly. This field is used to be able to assign users in FMX to the device. 

Additionally, there are optional custom fields you can map over from Mosyle to FMX. See table below for fields you can add prior to the integration setup. These fields can be added later and the integration can be updated. The FMX custom fields need to be text fields unless other wise noted in the name of the Mosyle field in parenthesis. These need to have the integration FMX user type as a permitted user type. They also need to be available for the equipment types you are syncing with Mosyle. The field mapping section of the article explains more. The required fields above are needed for the integration to work. 

Optional Mosyle Device Fields
  • ActiveManagedUsers
  • AutoSetupAdminAccounts
  • AvailableOSUpdates
  • BuildVersion
  • ManagementStatus
  • OSUpdateSettings
  • OSUpdateStatus
  • SystemIntegrityProtectionEnabled
  • TimeZone
  • activation_bypass
  • activation_bypass_mdm
  • appleTVid
  • asset_tag
  • available_disk
  • battery
  • bluetooth_mac_address
  • carrier
  • cpu_model
  • CurrentConsoleManagedUser
  • date_app_info
  • date_app_info(date)
  • date_checkin
  • date_checkin(date)
  • date_checkout
  • date_checkout(date)
  • date_enroll
  • date_enroll(date)
  • date_info
  • date_info(date)
  • date_kinfo
  • date_kinfo(date)
  • date_last_beat
  • date_last_beat(date)
  • date_last_push
  • date_last_push(date)
  • date_last_login
  • date_last_login(date)
  • date_media_info
  • date_media_info(date)
  • date_muted
  • date_muted(date)
  • date_printers
  • date_printers(date)
  • date_profiles_info
  • date_profiles_info(date)
  • device_model
  • device_model_name
  • device_name
  • device_type
  • deviceudid
  • enrollment_type
  • ethernet_type
  • ethernet_mac_address
  • has_password
  • hasvpn
  • HostName
  • idaccount
  • idsharedgroup
  • installed_memory
  • is_activation_lock_enabled
  • is_cloud_backup_enabled
  • is_deleted
  • is_device_locator_service_enabled
  • is_do_not_disturb_in_effect
  • is_muted
  • IsNetworkTethered
  • is_supervised
  • iTunesStoreAccountHash
  • iTunesStoreAccountisActive
  • LastCloudBackupDate
  • LastCloudBackupDate(date)
  • location
  • lostmode_status
  • lostmode_status(checkbox)
  • Lost Mode Enabled Date(date)
  • ManagementStatus
  • modle_name
  • open_direct_device_link
  • os
  • OSUpdateSettings
  • OSUpdateStatus
  • osversion
  • percent_disk
  • productkeyupdate
  • roaming_enabled
  • School_name
  • School_uuid
  • serial_number
  • status
  • status(checkbox)
  • status_login
  • SystemIntergrityProtectionEnabled
  • tags
  • TimeZone
  • total_disk
  • userid
  • username
  • usertype
  • vpn_status
  • wifi_mac_address

**See this support center article for how to add custom fields in FMX**

Go to the Integrations Settings

A member of the FMX team will reach out to you when your integration has been added to your FMX site.

In your FMX site go to your admin settings. Then go to the tab that says “Integrations”. In this section you will see all of the integrations you have on your FMX site through Prismatic. Prismatic is a platform that you will use to set up the integration between Mosyle and FMX. The platform is embedded into FMX and you will use it via the integrations tab. To access your integration to begin the setup process select the integration you would like to work on. If you do not see the Mosyle integrations reach out to your primary contact at FMX.

Mosyle Devices

Go to the integrations settings tab in your admin settings. To set up the Mosyle integration for your devices select the “Mosyle Devices" in this tab. In order to start this process click the “Reconfigure” button.

1. Initial Configuration

For this step there is nothing that you need to do to complete this. Select "Next" to move on to the configuration section.

2. Authentication

Next, fill out the following fields in the FMX API Connection section:

  • Hostname - this is your FMX hostname. This can be found in the URL of your site and it is the text before “”. For example: The bolded text is your hostname.
  • Password - this is the password of the FMX integration user you add(see details on this below)
  • API User Email - this is email address of the integration user you add(see details on this below)

You will need to create an account in your FMX site for the integration to sync with. Put the log in information in the password and user field. Name the account "Mosyle Syncer" this will make it easier to track the device brought over to FMX. In order to do this you will need to create a new user type that will not be updated. If the integration’s user type is updated this can cause the integration to not work.

To create a new user type click the “Admin Settings" in the left sidebar then select the” User Types" tab at the top of the page. You can either select add “User Type” at the top of the page or click the vertical 3 dots next to a user type that may have full access like “FMX Administrator” and click “copy”. Name the user type “FMX Integration”. For more information on user types go to this support center article.

Next go to the following setting and make sure the user type has the following permissions:

  • Building & Resource Access
    • Read - Any
  • Equipment Access
    • Create
    • Read - Any
    • Update- Any
    • Retire - Any
    • Permitted Equipment Types Includes All Desired
      • If the user type does not have access to an equipment type you would want to sync with Mosyle then those devices would not sync.
  • User & Contact Access
    • Administer
    • Read Users
    • Read Contacts
    • Delete
  • Permitted Access to All Desired Custom Fields

Next fill out the fields in the Mosyle Connection field section:

  • accessToken
    • See steps above on how to create the token
  • Email
    • Email address for your Mosyle account
  • Password
    • Password for that Mosyle account

After you have entered in all the information in the authentication fields click the next button. 

3. Device Mapping

In the section you will choose which operating systems (OS) you want to include in the integration, as well as their respective equipment type. Only OS's selected below will be synced with FMX. Click the "+ Add to OS Mapping" button to start mapping. Then in the "Mosyle OS" field you will choose an OS to map to an FMX Equipment Type from the equipment type field.

Choose to "Override Existing Equipment Type" or not by checking the box. When the box is checked the above equipment type selection will be applied to existing equipment in FMX belonging to this Mosyle OS. Otherwise, they will only be applied to new equipment.

Then choose to "Override Existing Building" or not by checking the box. When the box is checked the building mapping below will be applied to existing equipment in FMX belonging to this Mosyle OS. Otherwise, it will only be applied to new equipment.

Then continue this process by selecting "+Add to Os Mapping".  

In the "Account Mapping" section select which accounts you want to include in the integration, as well as their respective building. Only accounts selected below will be synced with FMX. Select the Mosyle Account and match it to the FMX Building from their fields. 

Next choose whether to keep the equipment type in sync on or not. When this is toggled on, changes made to model_name in Mosyle will be automatically reflected in the mapped equipment types in FMX.  

Lastly, choose whether to keep buildings in sync on or not. When this is toggled on, changes made to a device in Mosyle will be automatically reflected in the mapped accessible buildings in FMX. Any changes made to mapped accessible buildings in FMX while this is toggled on will be overridden by what is in Mosyle. Click the next button to move on to the "Field Mapping".

4. Field Mapping

In this section you will map Mosyle fields to custom fields in FMX. 

In the "Equipment Tag" choose the Mosyle field to match records from Mosyle to FMX. This field should contain a unique identifier that will be used as the equipment tag in FMX. Changes made to Mosyle will be automatically reflected in the mapped equipment types and buildings in FMX. Any changes made to mapped equipment types or buildings in FMX will be overridden by what is in Mosyle. 

Next choose the FMX custom field to map to the "Mosyle Device udid" field and the "Mosyle Device Serial Number Custom Field."

***When first setting up the integration If you already have devices in FMX that you would like to have sync with what is in Moysle so that they match. Then those equipment items in FMX need to have the equipment tag in FMX updated to the Mosyle field you will be using for the equipment tag. For example if you are choosing the serial_number field (from Mosye) for the FMX equipment tag field then you will need to bulk update your FMX equipment items to have that as the tag name in FMX. Or the Mosyle udid field needs to be updated to match what is in Mosyle through a bulk update. For steps on how to bulk update equipment in FMX see this support center article.****

Next choose the optional custom fields from Mosyle that you want to bring into FMX. Select the "Add to Optional Custom Fields" button to add a field. These custom fields need to be in FMX when doing this phase. These fields can be mapped at a later time by selecting reconfigure in the integrations section of FMX. Then skip to the field mapping section. The fields will update on the equipment that is already synced in FMX. 

All custom fields added need to at least have the API user type as one of the permitted user types and available for equipment types you are syncing with Mosyle. The custom fields need to be text fields unless other wise noted in the name of the Mosyle field in parenthesis. If so then need to be either a check box, or date field. Use the "open_direct_device_link" to have a link back to the device in Mosyle.   

Some examples are:

  • lostmode_status(checkbox)
  • Lost Mode Enabled Date(date)
  • And More!

See the dropdown in prismatic for a full list. 



Click the finish button when you are done. 

Updating the Integration

If changes need to be made to your integration you can update it at any time. To do this go back to the Integration Settings tab in FMX. Then find the integration and select "reconfigure". 

***Once you have enabled the Mosyle device integration you begin the set up for the Mosyle User integration. See this support center article for details.***

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