FMX allows you to add custom fields to store additional details and capture more information from the requesting users across your site. Administrators can create and edit custom fields for their organization. Custom fields can be set to be visible to all users or only certain users who have been granted access to view them. Follow the steps below to add custom fields.
1. Click on Admin Settings on the left sidebar, then select the Custom Fields from the header navigation list.
2. From there, click on the Add Custom Field button in the top right-hand corner.
3. Enter the custom field Name and select a custom field Type:
Attachment - Allows users to upload attachments to their request. This could be a picture, copy of insurance, etc.
Checkbox - Allows users to check a box, indicating a true or false attribute of a record.
- Currency- Allows users to enter in a currency amount.
Date - Allows users to enter a date or pick a date from a pop-up calendar.
Drop Down List - Allows users to select from a list of options. You will then have the option to select "Allow multiple selections" if you to be able to select more than one option from the drop down list.
Number- A field that contains numbers only.
Read only - Creates a field that is a text description. Read only fields are often used to add additional instructions for the user making a request in the system.
Text -Allows users to enter any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols that will fit within the given text box.
Allow multiple lines - Similar to the "Text" option above while providing a larger text box so that the user can enter more information.
Time - Allows user to put in a time or select a time from a drop down list.
URL - Use this field to display a hyperlink.
- User- Allows a user to select another user/contact that is listed within your FMX site
4. Select which area of your site the custom field will be used.
- Buildings- Allows an Admin to capture additional information for their buildings (ex. Emergency Info)
Equipment Type – Allows the Admin to capture additional information when adding equipment (ex. Serial #). Note: You must select the equipment type that you would like this custom field to be used for. The grid settings indicate if the field will show on the equipment type grid (show values), if the value is searchable, and if you can sort by this value on the grid.
Instruction Set - Allows an Admin to capture additional fields when creating a planned maintenance instruction set (ex. Temperature). Note, you may also add custom fields from the instruction set editor.
Inventory Items – Allows an Admin to capture additional information when adding inventory items (ex. Shelf #).
Maintenance Requests – Allows the Admin to capture additional information from the requesting user when they submit a request for maintenance (ex. Cell Phone #).
Custom Work Requests - Allows the Admin to capture additional information from the requesting user when they submit a request for a custom work request module (ex. PO #).
Schedule Requests - Allows the Admin to capture additional information from the requesting user when they submit a request to schedule a facility (ex. Organization).
Technology Requests - Allows the Admin to capture additional information from the requesting user when they submit a technology request (ex. Computer #).
Transportation Requests - Allows the Admin to capture additional information from the requesting user when they submit a request for transportation (ex. # Vehicles needed).
Users and Contacts- Allows the Admin to capture additional information from a certain user type when they submit a request. Then, a User Type drop down list will appear to select which user type you want to catch the additional information from.
5. Indicate if the field will be Required before the user can add the item or submit the request form.
6. Select the Permitted user types. If user types are selected, then read and write access will be restricted to users of these user types. If none are selected, then all users on your site will have access to this custom field. (ex. Organizations use this to add a hidden notes field that is only visible to Admin and Maintenance Technician users).
7. Click Save to add the new custom field to your site.
Note: To organize your Custom Fields, simply just add numbers to the beginning of the name (e.g. 01: Name of Requester, 02: Address of Requester, etc)
For a more in-depth look at how to add custom fields, watch this short tutorial video!