Learn how to add new user types to your site, or edit existing ones, in order to designate each user's role and permissions:
- Click Admin Settings in the left sidebar then select the User Types tab at the top of the page.
- Click Add User Type to create a new user type, or click on the details icon to edit permissions for an existing user type.
About Permission Levels
The user type editor gives you the ability to define what actions are allowed by users of each user type in your organization.
For example, you may want to allow an “FMX Administrator” to read every maintenance request that has been created in your organization; however, you may want a tenant to only be able to read the maintenance requests that they themselves have created.
Below are the potential options for these permission levels, and what each one means. You’ll see these options in drop down lists throughout the editor:
Having a permission of “Any” for an action allows a user to take that action for any relevant item in the organization. So, using the example above for reading maintenance requests, it means a user would be able to read any maintenance request created in the organization, even if it isn't directly associated with them.
Accessible Buildings
Having a permission of “Accessible Buildings” for an action allows a user to only take that action for relevant items that are associated to a building the user has access to. Building accesses are defined on a user-by-user basis by administering the user from the “Users & Contacts” tab on the left sidebar. So, using the example above for reading maintenance requests, it means a user would only be able to read maintenance requests that were created for a building the user has been given access to.
Having a permission of “Own” for an action allows a user to only take that action for a relevant item that they themselves have created or been assigned. So, using the example above for reading maintenance requests, it means a user would only be able to read maintenance requests that they have created or been assigned.
Having a permission of “None” for an action disallows the user from ever taking that action on any relevant item. So, using the example above for reading maintenance requests, it means a user would never be able to read any maintenance requests, even their own.
The User Type Editor
User Type
- Name: Enter the name of the user type here.
- Require liability insurance: When this option is set, users with expired liability insurance will be unable to create a schedule request. An insurance expiration date can be set in a user's account information page.
- Can administer organization: Allows a user to access the organization tab which gives the user the ability to configure site settings, modify user types, modify equipment types, and create approval processes.
- Has labor rate: Allows an admin to set a labor rate at each individual user profile which will be used to calculate a cost based on the hours worked.
- Can work on multiple requests at once: This box allows users to be assigned to multiple requests that may be occurring at the same time.
- Can be a supplier: This box allows designating users of this user type to be a supplier. Supplier information is collected when administering a user. Suppliers can be the recipients of Purchase Orders.
- Enable To-do list: Allows a user to have the To-do list option on the left hand side of their screen. Here is a link for more information about the To-do list.
- View request associations: Allows a user to be able to view requests that have been associated with other requests in different modules or the same module.
- Associate requests: Allows a user to be able to create associations with other requests within the same module or a different module.
- Visible custom nav links: Limits visibility to the selected custom navigation links. Custom navigation links can be hyperlinked to any URL (ex. the home page or intranet of your organization)
- Home page: Enables the page that a user views when they log into their FMX site
Reporting Access
- Organization reports: When this option is set, users of the user type will be able to view organization reports.
- Personal reports: When this option is set, users of the user type will be able to view personal reports.
- Can view dashboards: Allows users to see interactive reporting dashboards
- Hide standard dashboards: Removes the ability for a user to view the standard dashboards
User & Contact Access
- Administer: Allow this user type to add a new user or edit existing account information for users in the system.
- Cannot administer admins: Prohibits a user from being able to administer other users with administrative rights.
- Bulk Administer: Allows a user to make changes to users in a bulk action instead of one by one.
- Bulk Import: Allows user to add multiple users at once by submitting a bulk import template.
- Read Users: Allows this user type to view all users in the system.
- Read Contacts: Allows this user type to view all contacts within the system.
- Delete: Allows this user type to delete other users in the system.
- Can set labor rate: Allows a user to set the labor rate when administering other users.
- View labor rate: Allows a user to view other users labor rates.
- Can set driver rate: Allows the user to assign a rate to a driver.
- View driver rate: Allows the user to view driver rates.
- Can set scheduling rate type: Allows a user to select scheduling rate for other users.
- View Scheduling rate type: Allows a user to be able to view the scheduling rate of yourself or others.
User Notifications
- Someone creates: User type will receive an email notification when a new user is added in the system.
- Liability insurance expiration: Allows a user to select the notification to be notified when their liability insurance expires.
Building & Resource Access
- Create: Allows user type to add buildings and resources.
- Bulk import: Allows user type to import multiple buildings or resources at once by submitting a bulk import template
- Read: Allows user type to view the buildings and resources.
- Update: Allows user type to edit building and resource attributes.
- Delete: Allows user type to delete buildings and resources.
Equipment Access
- Create: Allows user type to add equipment.
- Bulk import equipment items: Allows user type to import multiple equipment at once by submitting a bulk import template
- Bulk import equipment types: Allows user type to import their own equipment type through the FMX template.
- Can be assigned: Allows equipment items to be assigned to this user type
- Read: Allows user type to view equipment.
- Update: Allows user type to edit equipment attributes.
- Bulk update: Allows user type to edit existing equipment items through a bulk update template.
- Retire: Allows user type to be able to retire equipment.
- Delete: Allows user type to delete equipment.
- Can access milage rate: Allows user type to view and edit milage rates for equipment items. This also allows the user to view milage cost for a transportation request.
- Permitted equipment types: Allows the user type access to only the selected types. If left blank, then it will give them access to all.
Equipment Log Access
- Create: Allows user type to add to equipment log.
- Read: Allows user type to view equipment log.
- Update: Allows user type to edit equipment log.
- Delete: Allows user type to delete equipment log.
Inventory Access
- Create: Allows user type to create an inventory item.
- Bulk import: Allows user type the ability to bulk import inventory through a template on FMX.
- Can be assigned: Allows inventory items to be assigned to the user type.
- Cannot access unit price: Hides the unit price and related derived fields like total value and usage cost.
- Read: Allows user type to view inventory.
- Update: Allows user type to edit inventory attributes.
- Bulk update: Allows user type to bulk edit the inventory through the bulk update template.
- Change quantity: Allows user type to update quantity on hand.
- Transfer quantity: Allows user type to be able to transfer quantity between inventory items with the same SKU.
- Requestable inventory items: This permissions allows you to select which inventory types this user type can request when creating work orders.
- Delete: Allows user type to delete inventory.
Inventory Notifications
- Minimum quantity: User type will receive an email notification when an inventory item reaches its minimum quantity.
- Someone updates: User type will receive an email notification whenever an inventory item is modified.
Maintenance, Technology, and Custom Work Request Module Access
- Create: Allows user type to create this type of request.
- Can create on behalf of: Allows user type to create a request on behalf of another user in the system.
- Allowed request types: Restricts the request types a user can submit.
- Bulk import: Allows user type the ability to bulk import data.
- Read (Request and public responses): Allows user type to view the created requests and responses from the public
- Read (private responses): Allows user type to read responses that have been marked private.
- Follower access mode: Allows a user type to follow (receive email notifications for) and add other users as followers to requests.
- Update: Allows user type to update requests.
- Can access due date: User type can access and set request due date (if this and the following permission are not selected the system defaults to the request type default due date).
- Can access scheduled time: User type can access and set a scheduled time for requests (e.g. 9:00am - 1:00pm). Note: Other steps are required to enable scheduled time for a module.
- Can edit after resolution: Allows user type to edit requests in Pending Finalization and Finalized statuses.
- Can request inventory: Allows user type to request inventory when submitting or editing a request.
- Approve or Decline: Allows user type to approve or decline the request if an approval process is in place for the organization.
- Bulk approve: Allows user type to approve multiple requests at once.
- Requires approval: This user's work requests will require approval.
- Assign: Allows user type to assign users to requests.
- Bulk assign: Allows user type to assign multiple requests at once.
- Can be assigned: Allows user type to be assigned to requests.
- Show work reminder: Users will see a banner message across the top of the screen if a request they are assigned to is due that day and no work has been recorded.
- Assign Equipment: Allows user type to assign equipment items to requests.
- Can view assignments: Allow user type to view assigned users and assignment custom fields on requests.
- Can view work: Can view hours of work put into a request.
- Start & Stop own work: Allow user type to have access to start and stop their work on a request.
- Edit own work: Allows user type to edit the work that they submit on a request.
- Delete own work: Allows user type to delete their work from a request.
- Start & stop other's work: Allows user type to start or end work for another user.
- Edit other's work: Allows user type to edit what other users have put in for their work.
- Delete other's work: Allows user type to delete the work that other users put in their requests.
- Can set work times & durations: Allows user type to set the hours that another worker should work on a request.
- Can view worker time: Allows user type to view their own and other's hours on requests.
- Start & end downtime: Allows user type the ability to start and end downtime for equipment.
- Edit down time: Allows user type to edit the downtime listed for equipment.
- Delete down time: Allows user type to delete the downtime listed for equipment.
- Respond: Allows user type to respond to the user that created the work request.
- Resolve: Allows user type to resolve a request or to be assigned to a request in the system. A user with "Any" can be assigned to any request and a user with "Accessible buildings" permission can be assigned to a request within their buildings.
- Bulk resolve: Allows user types to resolve multiple requests at once.
- Reopen: Allows user type to reopen a request.
- Edit Resolution timestamp: Allow a user to edit the time and date that a request was resolved.
- Cost access mode: Allows user type to enter and view cost during and after resolving.
- Finalize: Allows user type to finalize a request after it has been resolved.
- Switch module: Allows user type to switch a work request in one work request module to another work request module (e.g. switching a request from the Maintenance Request module to the Technology Request module).
- Delete: Allows user type to delete requests.
- Bulk delete: Allows user type to be able to delete multiple requests at once.
- Can place and end hold: Allows user type to place a request on hold and then the ability to remove the hold after it is appropriate.
- Edit on hold: Allows user type to edit a request while it is on hold.
Maintenance, Technology, and Custom Work Request Module Notifications
- Someone creates: User type receives an email notification when a request is created.
- Someone updates: User type receives an email notification when a request is updated.
- Someone responds: User type receives an email notification when someone responds to a request.
- Someone resolves: User type receives an email notification when someone resolves a request.
- Someone approves or declines: User type receives an email notification when someone approves or declines a request.
- Someone reopens: User type receives an email notification when someone reopens a request
- Someone starts or stops work: User type receives an email notification when someone starts or stops work on a request
- Someone starts or ends downtime: User type receives an email notification when someone starts or ends downtime on a piece of equipment.
- Overdue: User type receives an email notification when a request is overdue
- Someone places or removes hold: User type receives an email notification when someone puts a request on or off of a hold status.
Schedule Request Access
- Create: Allows user type to create a schedule request.
- Bulk Import: Allows user type to bulk import data.
- Read (unapproved): Allows user type to view unapproved schedule requests within their organization.
- Read (approved): Allows user type to view approved schedule requests within their organization.
- Read (private): Allows user type to view private schedule requests within their organization.
- Read private responses: Allows user type to read responses that have been marked private on schedule requests.
- Show private events as busy: Shows a "busy" placeholder for events that, because of being private, aren't readable. Only limited information like building, resource, and event time will be displayed.
- Follower access mode: Allows user type to follow schedule requests within their organization (a user who follows a request will receive email notifications when the request is updated).
- Update: Allows user type to update and respond to schedule requests.
- Respond: Allows user type to respond to the user that created the work request.
- Default responses to private: Defaults any response from this user type to be private unless they uncheck the box.
- Cancel: Allows user type to cancel schedule requests. Canceled requests will not be deleted, but will free up the resource for another event. Canceled events can be rescheduled.
- Bulk cancel: Allows user type to cancel multiple requests at once.
- Delete: Allows user type to delete schedule requests. Deleted requests will disappear from the calendar.
- Approve or Decline: Allows user type to approve or decline schedule requests if an approval process is in place for the organization.
- Estimate: User type has permission to estimate schedule requests if the resource requires estimating.
- Invoice: User type has permission to invoice schedule requests if the resource requires invoicing.
- Route: User type has permission to route requests to a prior state (pending approval, pending estimate, etc.).
- View reservation time: Allows user type to view and set the reservation time.
- Assign: Allows user type to assign users to schedule requests.
- Can be assigned: Allows user type to be assigned to schedule requests.
- Can view assignments: Allows user type to be able to view who has been assigned to a schedule request.
- Can set multiple buildings: Allows user type to select multiple buildings when entering a Schedule request.
- Can create on behalf of: Allows user type to create a schedule request on behalf of another user in the system.
- Can auto-select all resources: Allows user type to have an additional option called "Select all" in the resource drop down.
- Can set other resource: Allows user type to have an additional option called "other" for each building so they can type in another resource.
- Requires approval: Initiates the approval process for requests that the user type submits. Only applies if the resource requires approval.
- Requires estimating: Initiates the estimating process for requests that the user type submits. Only applies if the resource requires estimating.
- Requires invoicing: Initiates the invoicing process for requests that the user type submits. Only applies if the resource requires invoicing.
- Cannot choose resource: User type is not allowed to choose their resource.
- Always require building: Checking this box will require this user type to enter a building when submitting a Schedule request.
- Cannot requests all day: User type will not have access to schedule events
- Default to period-based: If period-based scheduling is enabled for your organization, checking this box will default new Schedule requests for this user type to period-based reservation times. User types will have the option to enter requests outside of period-based times.
- Can schedule conflicting events: Allows user type to submit requests that conflict with other requests at the same resource. Conflicting events will be indicated on the calendar and on the request details.
- Can resolve schedule conflicts: Allows users the access to remove conflict display without editing the conflicting request.
- Cannot schedule beyond liability insurance expiration date: Prevents the user type from scheduling events after their liability insurance expiration date.
- Cannot schedule using repeating intervals: Disallows a user type from scheduling requests using the build-in repeating intervals like Daily and Weekly.
- Hide requests tab: Hides the requests tab so they only see "Schedule Requests Occurrences" in the module.
- Minimum notice: Limit the minimum number of days in advance that this user type is allowed to make schedule requests.
- Maximum notice: Limit the maximum number of days in advance that this user type is allowed to make schedule requests.
- Scheduling allowed thru: Specifies the general start date of the window in which this user type's requests can exist.
- Scheduling allowed from: Specifies the general end date of the window in which this user type's requests can exist.
- Allowed request types: Allows user to make certain schedule request types
- Operating hours access: Allows users to schedule during or outside of operating hours.
- Allowed request types: Restricts the request types that a user type can submit.
- Scheduling rate type: Indicated which rate should be applied to the user type when calculating their estimated fee.
- View estimated fee: Allows the user type to view the estimated fee for their request prior to submitting the request.
Schedule Request Notifications
- Someone creates: User type receives an email notification when a schedule request is created.
- Someone updates: User type receives an email notification when schedule request is updated.
- Someone responds: User type receives an email notification when someone responds to a schedule request.
- Someone approves or declines: User type receives an email notification when someone approves or declines a schedule request.
- Someone accepts or rejects an estimate: User type receives an email notification when someone accepts or rejects an estimate.
- Upcoming: User type receives notification when an occurrence is coming up.
Transportation Request Access
- Create: Allows user type to create a transportation request.
- Bulk import: Allows user type to import their own data through FMX templates.
- Read (unapproved): Allows user type to view the unapproved transportation requests.
- Read (approved): Allows user type to view the approved transportation requests.
- Read private responses: Allows user type to read responses that have been marked private on transportation requests.
- Follower access mode: Allows user type to follow transportation requests within their organization (a user who follows a request will receive email notifications when the request is updated).
- Update: Allows user type to update transportation requests.
- Cancel: Allows user type to cancel transportation requests. Canceled trips will not be deleted, but will free up the driver and vehicle for another event. Canceled trips can be rescheduled.
- Delete: Allows user type to delete transportation requests.
- Approve or decline: User type has permission to approve or decline transportation requests.
- Assign: Allows user type to assign someone to a request as a driver.
- Respond: Allows user type to respond to transportation requests.
- Finalize: Allows user type to finalize transportation requests.
- Can create on behalf of: Allows user type to create a transportation request on behalf of another user in the system.
- Waive approval requirement: Allows user type to not be required to go through the approval process.
- Minimum Notice: Limit the minimum number of days in advance that this user type is allowed to make transportation requests.
- Maximum Notice: Limit the maximum number of days in advance that this user type is allowed to make transportation requests.
- Scheduling allowed thru: Specifies the general start date of the window in which this user type's requests can exist.
- Scheduling allowed from: Specifies the general end date of the window in which this user type's requests can exist.
- Allowed request types: Allows user to make certain transportation request types
Transportation Request Notifications
- Someone creates: User type receives an email notification when a transportation request is created.
- Someone updates: User type receives an email notification when a transportation request is edited.
- Someone responds: User type receives an email notification when someone responds to a transportation request.
- Someone approves or declines: User type receives an email notification when someone approves or declines a transportation request.
- Someone assigns: User type receives an email notification when someone assigns a transportation request.
- Someone finalizes: User type receives an email notification when someone finalizes a transportation request.
Planned Maintenance Task Access
- Create: Allows users to create a planned maintenance task.
- Create, update, or retire: Select if the user type can create, update or retire PM instruction sets.
- Bulk import: Allows user type to import bulk data.
- Read: Allows users to view planned maintenance tasks.
- Follower access mode: Allows user type to follow planned maintenance requests within their organization (a user who follows a request will receive email notifications when the request is updated).
- Update: Allows users to update planned maintenance tasks.
- Bulk delete: Allows user type to delete multiple planned maintenance requests at once.
- Retire: Allows users to retire planned maintenance tasks.
- Execute: Allows users to execute or be assigned to planned maintenance tasks. A user with "Any" can be assigned to any task and a user with "Accessible buildings" permission can be assigned to a task within their buildings.
- Edit execution time stamp: Allows user type to edit the timestamp of an executed task.
- Assign: Allows users to assign planned maintenance tasks to other users.
- Can be assigned: Allows a user type to be able to be assigned to a planned maintenance task.
- Show work reminder: Users will see a banner message if a task they are assigned to is due that day and they have not recorded work towards it.
- Respond: Allows user type to respond to planned maintenance tasks.
- Finalize: Allows user type the ability to review occurrences and add any additional costs, inventory, or hours to the occurrence.
- Start & Stop own work: Allow user type to have access to start and stop their work on a request.
- Edit own work: Allows user type to edit the work that they submit on a request.
- Delete own work: Allows user type to delete their work from a request.
- Start & stop other's work: Allows user type to start or end work for another user.
- Edit other's work: Allows user type to edit what other users have put in for their work.
- Delete other's work: Allows user type to delete the work that other users put in their requests.
- Can set work times & durations: Allows user type to set the hours that another worker should work on a request.
- Start & end downtime: Allows user type the ability to start and end downtime for equipment.
- Edit down time: Allows user type to edit the downtime listed for equipment.
- Delete down time: Allows user type to delete the downtime listed for equipment.
Planned Maintenance Task Events
- Someone reopens: User type receives an email notification when a planned maintenance task is reopened.
- Someone responds: User type receives an email notification when a user responds to a planned maintenance task.
- Someone resolves: User type receives an email notification when a user resolves a planned maintenance task.
- Someone starts or stops work: User type receives an email notification when a user starts or end working on a planned maintenance task.
- Someone starts or ends downtime: User type receives an email notification when someone starts or ends downtime on apiece of equipment in a planned maintenance task.
- Upcoming: User type receives an email notification when a planned maintenance task is coming up.
- Overdue: User type receives an email notification when a planned maintenance task is overdue.
Purchase Order Access
- Create: Allows users to create a purchase order.
- Read: Allows users to view a purchase order.
- Read private responses: Allows user type to read responses that have been marked private on purchase order requests.
- Follower access mode: Allows user type to follow purchase order requests within their organization (a user who follows a request will receive email notifications when the request is updated).
- Update pre-purchase: Allows users to update a purchase order before it has been purchased.
- Update post-purchase: Allows users to update a purchase order after it has been purchased.
- Respond: Allows users to respond to a purchase order.
- Approve or decline: Allows users to approve or decline a purchase order.
- Purchase: Allows users to purchase a purchase order.
- Receive shipment: Allows users to receive a purchase order shipment.
- Force close: Allows users to force close a purchase order.
- Cancel: Allows users to cancel a purchase order.
- Allowed request types: Allows user to make certain purchase order request types
Purchase Order Notifications:
- Created: User type receives an email notification when a purchase order request is put into the system.
- Updated: User type receives an email notification when a purchase order is modified.
- Responded to: User type receives an email notification when a purchase order is responded to.
- Submitted: User type receives an email notification when a purchase order is submitted.
- Approved or declined: User type receives an email notification when a purchase order is approved or declined.
- Purchased: User type receives an email notification when a purchase order is purchased.
- Shipment received: User type receives an email notification when a purchase order shipment has been received.
- Force closed: User type receives an email notification when a purchase order is force closed.