We mentioned last month that we were working on some new exciting features, and we’re excited to finally get to share them with you. We added support for some of your common requests and we also spent some time thinking about how we could meet some of your other needs.

After reading this article, make sure to check out our new Product Roadmap portion for a sneak peak of what’s coming soon to FMX. And as always, we welcome your feedback - if your user experience with FMX isn’t what you hoped, please let us know by sending us an email to support@gofmx.com.

Featured updates

Unregistered users can now receive and unsubscribe from email notifications for work requests

Most of you using our email-to-work-request feature are already familiar with the difference between a registered and unregistered user. A registered user is a user that has an account in FMX, and an unregistered user is an individual who has been allowed to submit requests to FMX via the email address for your organization. In the past, unregistered users could not receive email notifications about the requests they submit. Now, you have the option to enable them to receive those emails.

unregistered users

Request inventory on work requests

We built this feature with both warehousing and basic inventory forecasting in mind. While there are some additional features that we’ll add in the future to have additional support for both those use cases, this feature should provide a good first step.

This feature is enabled on the module level:

It also has a corresponding user type permission:

Once enabled, inventory can be requested on the enabled work request module when editing or submitting the request:

Once submitted and approved, the requested quantity will appear in the work request grid and in the inventory grid:

Recording inventory usage in responses and resolutions will "fulfill" the inventory. If the request is resolved without fulfilling the inventory, the requested quantity for that request is still reduced to zero.

Other updates

Work requests (i.e. Maintenance requests, Technology requests, Custom module requests)

Add a signature to work requests

A signature can now be required on every work request for a particular module when submitting or editing a form. If a form is edited, it will have to be re-signed by the editor. When using this feature, it’s best to make sure that you don’t have too many users who can update requests after they’ve been submitted.

You may choose to either draw or type your name:

*We are adding two additional features related to signatures in the (not too distant) future:

  1. adding it to field sets other than details (i.e. responses and resolutions) and
  2. making it configurable by request type

Assign request type in emailed request

You can do this by typing "#request-type <request type name>" in the first line of the email. Then add a new line to start typing the description

email request type

Added "Last response comments" and "Last responding user" to the grid view options

We added this feature to work requests first but have plans to add it to other modules as well

last comments


Select from “Any” or “All” when filtering for custom fields

This option is similar to the one available for resource types and supports and/or logic:

  • Any: Must include at least one of the options selected
  • All: Must include each option selected

any/all filters

Filter by equipment

You now have the option to filter any applicable grid view and the calendar view by equipment items

filter by equipment


Create a new purchase order from a low quantity inventory notification by clicking on a link

Now it’s even easier to create a purchase order when you’re running low on a particular inventory item

Email notifications

View all fields, including custom fields, in Schedule request notifications and Planned Maintenance notifications

Hide custom fields from email notifications

Site branding

Set your site’s favicon image

For those of you who don’t know, a favicon is a small icon that appears at the top of the tab in your web browser. Our default image is our logo, but now you can add your own. You’ll just need to upload a .ico file in your Organization Settings.

FMX’s Product Roadmap

Here are some features to look for in the next few months:

Performance enhancements

We’ve been hard at work adding some application performance enhancements that should help improve overall site responsiveness. Look for these to come out in September.

Quickbooks Online integration

We’ll soon be releasing an integration with Quickbooks Online. If you’re interested in this integration, contact your Customer Success Manager or send us an email at support@gofmx.com to see if it would work with your workflow.

Passwordless authentication

Organizations will soon have the option to allow different user types to log in via passwordless authentication. To log in, users will enter their email address, and FMX then send a link to their email. Users will then click that link to log in.

Bi-directional links on work requests

Soon you’ll be able to select from a list of past work requests (from the same module) and associate them with your requests. This association will appear on both requests once added.

HTML email notifications

Soon our email notifications will receive a bit of a facelift. If your email client allows for HTML emails, your email notifications will soon include your organization logo and be presented in a graphical interface. 

We hope you found this article to be helpful! As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at support@gofmx.com.

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