Login to FMX
Step 1: Open a web browser and navigate to yourcompany.gofmx.com
Step 2: Log in with the following credentials:
- Password
Create a Request (Shortcut)
Step 1: Click New request in the right top corner of the calendar page.
Step 2: Choose the request type you would like to submit from the drop down list (see picture below).
Create a Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Request
Step 1: Click Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Requests in the left sidebar, then click New request.
Step 2: Enter the required fields and click Submit to send the maintenance request (see picture below).
Step 3: Check your email for your request confirmation and a link to check the status of your request.
Step 4: When your request is resolved you will receive a “request resolved” email.
Edit a Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Request
Step 1: Find the Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work request you wish to edit (on the calendar or in the work requests grid), then click Edit (see picture below).
Step 2: After making the necessary editing changes click Save.
Assign a Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Request
Step 1: Find the work request you wish to assign (on the calendar or in the work requests grid), then click Assign.
Step 2: Select which user(s), equipment, and/or request type to assign the request to and select a vendor if the request will be outsourced (see picture below).
Step 3: Click Assign and the assigned user(s) will receive an email indicating that they have been assigned to the request.
Respond to a Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Request
Step 1: Find the Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work request you wish to respond to (on the calendar or in the Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Requests grid), then click Respond (see picture below).
Step 2: Enter a response.
Step 3: Click Respond to send your response (see picture below).
Resolve a Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Request
Step 1: Find the Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work request you wish to resolve (on the calendar or in the work requests grid), then click Resolve.
Step 2: After clicking Resolve, you can enter a resolution, hours, cost, equipment and attach an invoice (see picture below).
Step 3: Click Resolve to close the maintenance request.
Reopen a Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Request
Step 1: Find the resolved work request you wish to reopen (on the calendar or in the work requests grid), then click Reopen (see pictures below).
Calendar View:
Grid View:
Step 2: Next, enter a reason for reopening the maintenance request and click Reopen.
Filter Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Requests in Calendar View
Step 1: Click the Filter button above the calendar view (see picture below).
Step 2: Select the filter you would like (see picture below).
NOTE: You may choose more than one filter at a time
Remove All Filters
If you're having trouble locating certain requests, events, or other information on your FMX calendar or in your FMX grids it could be because you have a filter selected that is hiding the information you're looking for.
You can see the filters that have been applied by looking underneath the Filter and Search bar.
To quickly remove all of the filters that are currently selected, click on the "clear" button next to the filter button:
Remove a Single Filter
To remove filters one at a time, click on the "x" button next to the filter(s) you would like to remove:
Save Filters
To save your current filters for future use, click the button at the bottom that says "Save Filter":
Then type in the name of this saved filter. Once done, click the checkmark to save:
Note: To customize your own training document for your organization, download the FMX Technician and Vendor Planned Maintenance Training Guide below!