There are many email notifications you can receive for schedule requests. This article outlines what user type permissions and personal email preferences will allow you to receive certain notifications.

Who gets a notification when someone creates a request?

  • The requestor will receive a notification (the requestor must have the "Is created by me" notification preference enabled in the "My Schedule Requests" section of their profile's email preferences).
  • Everyone else in your organization will receive a notification based on their user type and email preferences settings:
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Any” for “Someone creates,” then that user type will receive a notification for any schedule request created in the system.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Accessible Buildings” for “Someone creates,” then that user type only receives a notification if the request was made at the building(s) they have access to.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “None” for “Someone creates,” then that user type will not receive a notification when someone creates a schedule request.

Who gets a notification when a request is created on behalf of a user?

  • If under their personal email preferences the user has selected, “Is created on my behalf," then that user will receive a notification when a request is submitted on their behalf.

Who gets a notification when a request is responded to?

  • The requestor gets notified (the requestor must have the “Is responded to” notification enabled under their personal email preferences).
  • Everyone else in your organization will receive a notification based on their user type settings:
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Any” for “Someone responds,” then that user type will receive a notification when any schedule request is responded to.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Accessible Buildings” for “Someone responds,” then that user type will receive a notification when someone responds to a request at the building(s) they have access to.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Own” for “Someone responds,” then that user type will receive a notification when someone responds to their own schedule request.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “None” for “Someone responds,” then that user type will not receive a notification when someone responds to a schedule request.

Who gets a notification when a request is pending approval?

  • If the user only has access to certain buildings, they will only receive a notification to approve for the building(s) they have access to.
  • The user who has permission to approve/decline requests will receive a notification.
  • If there is an approval process in place, the notification will first go to the first person in the approval process, then the second, and so on.

Who gets a notification when a request is approved/declined?

  • The requestor is notified (the requestor must have the “Is approved” notification preference enabled under their personal email preferences).
  • Everyone else in your organization will receive a notification based on their user type settings:
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Any” for “Someone approves or declines,” then that user type will receive a notification when any schedule request is updated.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Accessible Buildings” for “Someone approves or declines,” then that user type will receive a notification when someone updates a request at the building(s) they have access to.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “None” for “Someone approves or declines,” then that user type will not receive a notification when someone updates a request.

Who gets a notification when a request is updated?

  • The requestor is notified (the requestor must have the “Is updated” notification preference enabled under their personal email preferences).
  • Everyone else in your organization will receive a notification based on their user type settings:
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Any” for “Someone updates,” then that user type will receive a notification when any schedule request is updated.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “Accessible Buildings” for “Someone updates,” then that user type will receive a notification when someone updates a request at the building(s) they have access to.
    • If under “Schedule Request Notifications” a user type is set to “None” for “Someone updates,” then that user type will not receive a notification when someone updates a request.

Who gets a notification when a request is estimated?

  • The requestor of the event will be notified when a schedule request is estimated.

Who gets a notification when someone accepts/declines an estimate?

  • If under "Schedule Request Notifications" the user type is permitted to receive "Someone accepts or declines an estimate" notifications (set to "Any", "Own", or "Accessible Buildings"), the user type will receive notifications about estimates and invoices.

Who gets a notification when a request is invoiced?

  • The requestor is the notified when there is an invoice sent for a schedule request.

Who gets a notification when a payment is received?

  • The requestor is notified when a payment is received for a schedule request. 

Schedule Request Notifications User Type Permissions

This can be found under Admin Settings > User Type > Edit (whichever user type needs updated) > Schedule Request Notifications

Personal Email Notification Preferences

To access this click the profile icon > Account Settings > Scroll down to Email Preferences 


To see a user's notification click Users & Contacts > Search their name > Administer > Scroll down to Email Preferences 

Click here for more information about updating your personal email preferences.

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