Follow the steps below to add vehicles and drivers to your FMX site for transportation requests:

Add Vehicles to Your FMX Site

1. Make sure you have created an equipment type that can be used for transportation requests (ex. Vehicles). Click here to learn how to add an equipment type.

2. Select Equipment in the left sidebar.


3. Click on Add equipment in the top right hand corner of the page.

4. Enter the vehicle *Tag (name), *Type, and *Building.


5. Capture any additional vehicle fields. If you would like to capture additional information about your vehicles (ex. VIN #, Registration Expiration Date) click here to learn how to create custom fields.

6. Click Save to add the vehicle.

Add Drivers to Your FMX Site

1. Click on Users & Contacts in the left sidebar, then click Add record in the top right hand corner of the screen.


2. Enter the required fields, select user type, and check Can be a driver.

3. Click Save to add a new user that can be a driver.

4. The new user will receive an email from with a link to activate their account. After clicking on the activation link they will be taken to a page to create a password and then log in.

*If the driver has not activated their account they will not appear on the driver "assign to" drop down list.

To learn how to enabling and calculating mileage and driver rates for transportation requests, click here!

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