Follow and Add Followers to Schedule Requests

Now you can follow and add other users as followers to schedule requests! By following a request, you will receive email notifications when the request is updated. To follow a request, simply select the star icon!

Email Reminders for Upcoming Schedule Requests

You can now set up your personal email preferences so you receive a notification when schedule requests in your site are upcoming! You can set this up in your personal settings by scrolling down to the Email Preferences section and selecting “A schedule request event is upcoming” or “My schedule request event is upcoming”

Customize the name of your Scheduling Module!

Are you interested in customizing the name of your Schedule Request module? Contact your Customer Success Manger to see how they can set this up for you!

Copy Equipment and Inventory Items

You can now copy equipment and inventory items in your site by selecting the copy icon next to each piece of equipment or inventory!

Select Multiple User Types When Creating a Custom Field for the Users & Contacts Module

Have you ever wanted to select multiple user types for a custom field in the Users & Contacts module? Now you can when creating or updating an existing custom field! Just select the user types you would like then scroll to the bottom and hit save!

Added "Hide from filters" checkbox for custom fields

You can now set up custom fields so they cannot be a filtering option on the calendar or grid view! All you’ll have to do is navigate to the custom field in the Organization Settings and check the “Hide from filters” checkbox. Take a look at this article from our Learning Center for more information on creating custom fields!

Bulk Importing Data

We’ve recently released the ability for you to bulk import your Building, Equipment, Resources, Transportation Request, and User data. This can set up at the user type level in each module! Click here for more information on bulk importing data into your site.

Made “Location” a Clickable Link in the Calendar and Grid View

You can now click on a link to bring you to the location of a request when you are looking at requests in the calendar or grid view!

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