Take a look at new features released between October - December 2021 including improved notifications to inventory and purchase orders, mapping enhancements, and more.


NOTE: If you are missing any of the below capabilities or are interested in upgrading your features, let your account manager know.


Inventory Date Notifications

Now you can track restocking, replacement, or expiration dates for any of your inventory items and receive a notification when that date occurs. This way you know exactly when an item is no longer effective or needs to be swapped out.


How to set it up:

  1. Go to "Admin Settings"
  2. Select "Custom Fields"
  3. Select "Add custom field" or the edit icon of an existing custom field
  4. Click the "Type" dropdown menu and select "Date"
  5. Check the box marked "Send notification on date"
  6. Make sure the "User Type" of anyone receiving notifications is set to "Read Any" or "Read Own" under "Inventory Access"
  7. Go to "Users and Contacts"
  8. Select the user you would like to be notified
  9. Click "Administer"
  10. Scroll down to "Email Preferences"
  11. Click "Add Notification" to either "My Inventory" or "All Inventory"
  12. Click "Save"
  13. Repeat for any additional custom date fields


Purchase Order Creation Notifications

Setup notifications anytime someone places a purchase order, even if the person being notified wasn't assigned the order. This allows you to stay informed of incoming orders and take any necessary follow-up action.


How to set it up:

  1. Go into "Admin Settings"
  2. Select "User Types"
  3. Choose a user type and click "Edit"
  4. Scroll down to "Purchase Order Notifications"
  5. Open the dropdown labeled "Created"
  6. Select either "Own", "Accessible Buildings", or "Any" depending on your preference
  7. Click "Save"


Purchase Order Mentions

In addition to adding followers during creation, you can now add followers to an order through a mention (@). This allows users to be brought into a conversation thread and stay up to date on new details.


How to set it up:

  1. Go into "Admin Settings"
  2. Select "User Types"
  3. Choose a user type to set as the follower and click "Edit"
  4. Scroll down to "Purchase Order Access"
  5. Open the dropdown labeled "Read"
  6. Select "Any"
  7. Open the dropdown labeled "Follower access mode"
  8. Make sure the user type being added as a follower is set to "Can follow" or "Can follow & add followers"
  9. Make sure the user type adding the follower is set to "Can follow & add followers"
  10. Click "Save"
  11. Within an open purchase order, click "Respond"
  12. In the text field, type "@" followed by the name of the person being added as a follower
  13. Click "Respond"


Interactive Mapping

Interactive Mapping has been reconfigured to now organize by building. Add floorplans, satellite views, and other visuals to your building, and add any associated equipment items as pins on the map.


How to set it up:

This update is being automatically applied for all customers with mapping enabled. To learn more about mapping, or have it enabled, reach out to your Account Manager.


Users and Contacts Bulk Actions

Reduce time individually updating contact information, or changing user details in a grid view template. Bulk administer up to 1,000 contacts at a time.


How to set it up:

  1. Go into "Admin Settings"
  2. Select "User Types"
  3. Choose a user type and click "Edit"
  4. Scroll down to "Users & Contacts Access"
  5. Check the box titled "Bulk administer"
  6. Click "Save"
  7. Navigate to "Users & Contacts"
  8. Check the users you would like to administer or check the box on the top left corner of the grid to select all contacts on the page
  9. Optionally, you may check the box marked "All 20 records on this page are selected. Select all # records?"
  10. Click the "Administer" icon at the top of the screen
  11. Download the template
  12. Update the information (VERY IMPORTANT: Don't edit the "ID" column)
  13. Attach the new template
  14. Click "Save"


New Marketplace Features

New features were also added to the FMXmarketplace including satisfaction surveys sent as a follow-up after resolved requests to gauge how well work is being completed, and 3 condition-based sensor alerts to monitor for temperature, water, and humidity changes throughout your facility.


Browse all our new features at gofmx.com/marketplace


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