Our development team has been busy the last couple of months working on some new and exciting features and functionality! We've added functionality to transfer inventory between locations with ease and traceability and many more enhancements. Read below to learn more about what did in April, May, and June 2021!
Featured updates
Transferring inventory between locations
When organizations store inventory in a central warehouse they often move it between multiple locations. This can cause difficulty tracking inventory. So, our development team made it easier to transfer inventory between locations.
This feature enables a user to transfer a quantity of inventory from one inventory item to a second "identical" inventory item if they share the same SKU number.
To do this, follow the instructions below.
Step 1. Create or edit inventory items by adding an SKU number
Step 2. Items must have the same SKU number to transfer inventory
Step 3. SKU numbers are visible in the grid view, exports, and as a field in the bulk imports template
Step 1. Initiate the transfer from the inventory grid, item details/profile page, or as an inventory log
Step 2. Transfer the quantity from one item to another identical item using the same SKU
Notes & Tips:
- Quantity transfers cannot be negative or move inventory that is not available.
- Each transfer is categorized as an inventory log.
- Inventory low quantity email notifications will continue to trigger based on changes due to inventory quantity transfers
User Management Enhancements
Historically, only the creation date for Users was available. New tracking fields have been enabled for Users and User Types. Fields will now denote creation and last edit timestamp as well as who created and edited the User or User Type. This addition can help manage the count of licensed users so you know how many users you have at all times. This change will not track prior changes to users or user types.
Notes & Tips:
- Only newly created and newly edited information will utilize this feature.
- The new grid view columns are controlled in the grid settings.
- Data is exportable
Other updates
Update User Information in Bulk
Customers can now bulk update user & contact information from the User & Contacts grid on their site without the help of FMX support. This update allows customers to add multiple users on their own, with ease and speed.
To do this follow the steps below.
Step 1. From the 'Users & Contacts' grid, select your users and click the 'Bulk Actions' button as if performing any other bulk action.
Caution: make sure you select the same users or contacts from the grid view when downloading the template AND uploading the new/altered information.
Step 2. Download the linked MS Excel file
Send Arbiter Sports Scheduling Information to FMX
While the connection between FMX and Arbiter Sports exists today for scheduling information, a new, more reliable API is available to serve both scheduling and transportation needs.
Performance Upgrades
The platform used to deliver your dashboards has been upgraded to improve responsiveness and reliability.