Technology requests, commonly called tickets, are authorizations of work performed on IT-related inquires and issues. These types of requests are typically handled by an organization's technology department or IT support team.
The technology request bulk import template is broken out into multiple sheets in order to record both open and completed (historical) data. The sheets are as follows:
Requests: This is the "main" sheet and will need to be filled out for both open and historical tickets. The data on this sheet will need to be referenced on the subsequent sheets.
Responses: This sheet captures the communications and ongoing labor recorded on each ticket.
Resolutions: This sheet captures the completion information of a ticket. Use this sheet only if you're importing completed tickets.
Reopenings: This sheet captures completed tickets that have been reopened.
To bulk import technology requests into your FMX site, follow the steps below:
*The ability to bulk import data is configured at the user type level by each module. This must be set up by a site administrator.
1. Navigate to Bulk Imports tab on the left-hand side of your page:
2. Click on New Import button at the top right of the page:
3. Select Technology Request Import:
4.1. Populate the template with the necessary information. Columns that contain an asterisk (*) are required.
Name*: This is the title of the technology request or ticket. If you're importing historical data from another system, you may want to include the ID number for tracking purposes.
*FMX will create a unique ID for each technology request when imported.
Examples: New monitor needed, Install drivers to Joe Smith's laptop, Unable to connect to VPN, Printer in office not working, etc.
Building*: This is the building where the ticket needs to be completed.
Name*: New monitor needed
Building*: Elementary School
*Technology requests cannot be imported unless the building exists in FMX.
Request Type*: This refers to the category of technology request.
Name*: New monitor needed
Building*: Elementary School
Request Type*: Hardware
*Technology requests cannot be imported unless the request type exists in FMX.
On behalf of: If another user requested the ticket but didn't directly enter the request in FMX, type their name in here.
Location*: This refers to the specific area in the building where the ticket needs to be completed.
Name*: New monitor needed
Building*: Elementary School
Request Type*: Hardware
Location: Classroom 130
Equipment items: List any fixed assets that are associated with the ticket
Due date*: the date when the ticket is expected to be completed
Description: detailed notes about the particular issue or inquiry
Custom Fields: Custom fields are always an option if you need to add any other required/non-required details to your work orders. Custom fields must be added by a site administrator.
Created Date* and Time*: the date and time when the ticket was submitted
User*: the user who submitted the ticket
Followers: Followers can track and view the details of the request through email notifications. Type in their names here.
Assigned Date and Time: the date and time when the ticket was assigned to a user
Assigned users: the name(s) of the user(s) assigned to the ticket
Outsourced: If the ticket need to be completed by an outside vendor, you can mark "Y" for yes or leave blank.
*If you're not importing completed (historical) data, proceed to step 5; otherwise continue reading the next section.
4.2. Populate the template with the necessary information. Columns that contain an asterisk (*) are required.
Request*: This refers to the name of the technology request listed on the Requests sheet.
Date* and Time*: the date and time when the response was submitted on the ticket
User*: the user who submitted the response
Followers: Followers can track and view the details of the request through email notifications. Type in their names here.
Response*: a comment or detailed description of the work performed on the technology request
Private: If your organization has private comments enabled, marking this column with a "Y" for yes, will create a private comment; otherwise, leave this field blank.
Custom Fields: Custom fields are always an option if you need to add any other required/non-required details to your technology requests. Custom fields must be added by a site administrator.
Work Hours - Users: the names of the users who logged labor hours on the response
Work Hours - Hours: the amount of labor hours each user logged on the response
Inventory used - Names: the names of the inventory items used on the response
Inventory used - Quantities: the quantity of the inventory items used on the response
4.3. Populate the template with the necessary information. Columns that contain an asterisk (*) are required.
Request*: This refers to the name of the ticket listed on the Requests sheet.
Date* and Time*: the date and time when the ticket was completed
User*: the user who resolved the ticket
Cost: any miscellaneous cost needed to resolve the ticket
Resolution*: a comment or detailed description of the work performed on the technology request upon completion
Custom Fields: Custom fields are always an option if you need to add any other required/non-required details to your technology requests. Custom fields must be added by a site administrator.
Work Hours - Users: the names of the users who logged labor hours on the resolution
Work Hours - Hours: the amount of labor hours each user logged on the resolution
Inventory used - Names: the names of the inventory items used on the resolution
Inventory used - Quantities: the quantity of the inventory items used on the resolution
Equipment items - the name or names of the fixed assets used in the ticket resolution
4.4. Populate the template with the necessary information. Columns that contain an asterisk (*) are required.
Request*: This refers to the name of the technology request listed on the Requests sheet.
Date* and Time*: the date and time when the ticket was reopened
User*: the user who reopened the ticket
Reason*: a comment explaining the reason for reopening the ticket
5. Once you have completed filling out the import template, save the document to your device.
6. Navigate back to the Bulk Import page in FMX.
7. Title the name of your import in the Title section.
8. Next, click on the paperclip icon in the Template section to upload your completed import file
9. Once your bulk import is titled and the file is uploaded, hit the Save button to complete your import.
10. If there are any errors on the import, such as typos or mismatched records, FMX will steer you in the right direction by pinpointing the column, row, and cell of the error. You can also utilize the Validate only feature which will allow you to check for any import errors prior to hitting Save.
Click here to read more about bulk import errors and how to fix them.
11. Once you have corrected the errors on your template and validated the file, repeat steps 7-8.
12. When your import has been completed, a green banner message will appear at the top of your screen that reads "Success! (Your template name) has been imported with (x of records) records".