The past 3 months have been extremely busy for our development team! As our customers continue to grow, we’ve added more functionality to help them expand their abilities within our platform, including many bulk action enhancements, better notifications, and more capabilities within our API. We will continue to expand our offerings and provide our customers with the best CMMS experience we can.
Featured updates
Bulk assign work requests
We've added the ability for admins to bulk assign and reassign requests from the maintenance requests grid.
Active workers
We've created columns to show active workers on a work request and planned maintenance tasks when utilizing start and stop labor tracking.
API enhancements
We've added endpoints for get, get-options, and delete for transportation requests, furthering our ability to integrate with other transportation related systems. In addition, transportation requests can now be created and updated via our API and schedule requests can be updated via our API.
Search functionality enhancement
Searching within the system now highlights search terms when in the grid. This makes finding keywords in equipment, inventory, invoices, purchase orders, schedule and work requests easier to navigate.
Other updates
Bulk importing
Users can now bulk import request types.
Operating hours enhancement
Operating hours are now set to specific days, allowing further configuration of an organization’s schedule.
Custom nav links
Users can now add context to Custom Nav Links, allowing the link to display and update based on “who” is viewing them.
User log enhancements
Users can now view Request Types within an individual user’s logs.
Licensed user count
Admin users are now warned when their license usage exceeds their current license count. Please contact your account manager for additional questions. Admins can see licensed users within the Admin Settings > User Types section of the site.
Less downtime
We've reduced the planned downtime experienced by users when deploying an update that needs an offline database migration. Users should see less downtime, lowering from 20-30 minutes now to 3-7 minutes.
Editable fields enhancement
In addition, actions that do not have editable fields will scroll to the “complete action” button instead of remaining at the top of the page.
Work requests
Bulk approval notifications
Users are now notified when work requests are bulk approved or resolved.
Deleted requests history
You can now store historical logs that showcase when requests were deleted and un-deleted.
More accurate auto-assignments
Work requests may now be auto-assigned by request type and filtered by building, allowing for more accurate auto-assignments.
Email submission sophistication
Users can now submit requests via email and include a request type automatically if the user has access to one request type. If the request has no other required fields and is submitted to a building specific email address, then the request will skip the “pending details” phase and follow normal auto-assignment rules.
Auto-assignment alerts
When changing a request type that includes auto-assigned users, FMX will now display an alert that notes auto-assigned users for the chosen request type below the drop down menu.
Schedule requests
Lock/unlock times
Absolute lock/unlock times will now be exported to CSV.
Transportation requests
Private responses
You can now allow responses to be marked as private by users with “read private responses” permission.
Robust emails
Emails for low quantity items now have additional inventory information.