We hope you had a wonderful holiday season! Our team has been hard at work on some new and exciting features that you can benefit from in 2020.
After reading this article, make sure to check out our new Product Roadmap portion in these articles for a sneak peak of what’s coming soon to FMX. And as always, we welcome your feedback! If your user experience with FMX isn’t what you hoped, please let us know by sending us an email to support@gofmx.com
Featured updates
View your personal log
Want a quick way for your users to reference the hours they’ve worked this week or look up requests they’ve submitted in the past? They can now view their personal user log from the FMX navigation menu. The personal log is very similar to our user log feature, but it only displays information that that user can view.
Associate work requests from the same module with each other
You can now select one or multiple work requests from a drop down field when creating or editing requests. When you select a request from that drop down, that request association will be visible on the request you are submitting/editing and on the request you selected. These associations can be useful for larger work requests that have sub tasks associated with them.
Commission downtime-related reporting dashboards from the FMX Customer Success team
Does your organization track equipment downtime with FMX? You can now commission a downtime-related reporting dashboard from our Customer Success team. Reach out to support@gofmx.com for more information.
View image attachments in a gallery
You can now easily click through image attachments on a request in preview mode.
Other updates
Work requests (Maintenance, Technology, & Custom modules)
Configure signatures by request type
You can now enable work request signatures for specific request types.
Configure all responses from a user type to be defaulted to private
You can now configure user types to have the “Make private” checkbox checked automatically when they are submitting a response to a work request. You will have the option to uncheck it when you want to create a public response.
Receive “needs my approval” notifications after approved Schedule Requests, Work Requests, Purchase Orders, and Transportation requests are edited and require approval again
If a user edits one of these requests in such a way that it requires approval again, then approvers will be notified once more to approve the request.
Added all fields including custom fields to Purchase Order notifications
View data from reopened requests in FMX Reporting dashboards
Data from reopened requests can now be made visible in FMX reporting dashboards by distinguishing by first completed date and last completed date. If you’d like to add this distinction on one of your dashboards, please contact support@gofmx.com.
Export your equipment data to Excel
In addition to being able to export to .csv, you can now export equipment data in an .xlsx format.
Admin settings
View a warning message when editing a user type if that user type loses approval permissions and they are in an approval chain
If you edit a user type after making a change to their schedule request approval permissions, then you may receive a warning message if that user type is included in one or more approval chains. The message will give you a list of all of the approval chains where that user type is included.
Use responses to the Entrances field set on Schedule Requests in creating custom field formulas
The responses to the Entrances field can now be used in either formula or visibility custom fields.
Single Sign On
Allow building access to be determined by Azure Active Directory
FMX’s Product Roadmap
Here are some features to look for in the next few months.
Allowing work request signatures to be associated with resolutions, responses, assignments, etc.
We recently released a feature to associate signatures with work requests and another one to associate them only with different request types. Soon we’ll be releasing a feature to allow the association of signatures with other actions on a work request.
Start and stop work time
We’re hard at work on this feature which would allow users to clock in and out of requests to record their labor hours. Look for this feature early this year.
Passwordless authentication
Organizations will soon have the option to allow different user types to log in via passwordless authentication. To log in, users will enter their email address, and FMX then send a link to their email. Users will then click that link to log in.
HTML email notifications
Soon our email notifications will receive a bit of a facelift. If your email client allows for HTML emails, your email notifications will soon include your organization logo and be presented in a graphical interface.
If you have any questions, or would like some help setting up one of these features, please reach out to our Customer Success team at support@gofmx.com.