Bulk Importing Transportation Requests

Transportation requests are primarily used by our K-12 customers to track important trip information such as the drivers assigned to the trip, the vehicles being used, the pickup location and destination, number of passengers, trip duration, costs, and mileage. 


*The ability to bulk import data is configured at the user type level by each module. This must be set up by a site administrator. 


  1. Navigate to Bulk Imports tab on the left-hand side of your page:


  1. Click on the Import button at the top right of the page:


  1. Select Transportation Request Import:


  1. Populate the template with the required information; these are all columns that contain an asterisk (*).



Name*: This is the title of the transportation request or trip. If you're importing historical data from another system, you may want to include the ID number for tracking purposes.

*FMX will create a unique ID for each transportation request when imported.

Examples: JV Volleyball @ Lincoln HS, 4th Grade Field Trip to Zoo,  7th/8th Grade Boys Basketabll Scrimmage @ Green Middle School, etc.

Request Type*: This refers to the category of transportation request.

Name*: JV Volleyball @ Lincoln HS

Request Type*: Athletic Trip

*Maintenance requests cannot be imported unless the request type exists in FMX.

Building*: This is the building where the transportation request begins.

Name*: JV Volleyball @ Lincoln HS

Request Type*: Athletic Trip

Building*: High School

*Maintenance requests cannot be imported unless the building exists in FMX.

Pickup location*: This is the designated area where the passengers on the trip will need picked up. Areas can be designated as pickup locations by checking the Pickup location box in the "Transportation Request Settings" on the location in the Resources & Locations module.


On behalf of: If another user requested the trip but didn't directly enter the request in FMX, type their name in here.

Destination*: This is a free text field where you can indicate the final trip location.

Departure Date and Time*: the date and time the vehicle will leave the pickup location

Return Date and Time*: the date and time the vehicle will return to the pickup location following the trip

Custom Fields: Custom fields are always an option if you need to add any other required/non-required details to your transportation requests. Custom fields must be added by a site administrator. 


Common custom fields for transportation requests include:

  • Handicap bus required (yes/no)

  • Number of passengers

  • Number of vehicles

  • Staff member in charge

  • Chaperones

  • Purpose of trip

  • Event details

  • Overnight trip (yes/no)

  • Will stop for meals (yes/no)

Created Date* and Time*: the date and time when the transportation request was submitted

User*: the user who submitted the transportation request


Drivers and Vehicles: This is where you would include specific drivers and vehicles that have been assigned to each transportation request. 

The vehicle should be listed first followed by a comma and then the driver's name. Each vehicle-driver pair for a single transportation request should be separated out into new lines. This can be accomplished by using the Alt + Enter shortcut on your keyboard.



Users can be designated as a driver by checking the Can be a driver setting in the user's account profile.



Vehicles can be created and stored in the Equipment module.

  1. Once you have completed filling out the import template, save the document to your device.


  1. Navigate back to the Bulk Import page in FMX.


  1.  Title the name of your import in the Title


  1. Next, click on the paperclip icon in the Template section to upload your completed import file 


  1. Once your bulk import is titled and the file is uploaded, hit the Save button to complete your import. You can use the Validate only button to check your work before submitting.mceclip10.png
  2. If there are any errors on the import, such as typos or mismatched records, FMX will steer you in the right direction by pinpointing the column, row, and cell of the error.


Click here to read more about bulk import errors and how to fix them.


  1. Once you have corrected the errors on your template and re-saved the file, repeat steps 7-8.


  1. When your import has been completed, a banner message will appear at the top of your screen that reads "Success! (Your template name) has been imported with (x of records) records".

Validated View


Saved View


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