The Schedule Request Summary Dashboard is useful for tracking your schedule requests by building, location, type, and status.


Widgets included in the dashboard

Fact Card Widgets – These widgets give you a concise view of some stats about your Schedule Requests.

Events and Hours per Building – Sort your Schedule Requests by the number of events happening in each building.

Top 25 – Events and Hours per Resource – Sort your Schedule Requests by the number of events happening in each resource/location.

Events and Hours per Building and Resource – Static table with a breakdown of the requests by building, resource/location, and total hours in length.

Event by Type – Sort requests by request type.

Events by Status – Sort your Schedule Requests by status.

Event Details - Static table with a breakdown of the requests along with a link to each request.

Filters –

Module - Module that the request originated from

Building - Building the request originated in

Resource – Resource/Location the request originated in

Type - Request Type

Event Date - Date of event occurrence

Status - Current request status (canceled, deleted, finalized, etc.)

Weekday/Weekend – Display events from only weekdays or weekends


Why the Schedule Request Summary dashboard?

Common Use Cases – Keeping track of events within your organization, which buildings and resources are the most commonly booked, what times of the year are busiest for scheduling, how long these events typically last.


Filtering Best Practices – The filter on the right side is best used when attempting to refine data to only show for a specific request type, building, time period, etc. You are also able to drill down to refine data through the widgets by clicking on the data type you would like to review, then clicking it again when you would like the overview data once more.

As a best practice if you want to filter all of the data for an overview, use the right-hand filter. If you want to see how a specific piece of data from one widget relates across the other widgets, select the piece of data within the widget.

Value of Information – Utilizing your Schedule Request Summary Dashboard can help your organization balance room reservations, track trends across buildings and seasons, and get a pulse check overview of the status of your scheduling module.


How to export and view

Exporting your dashboard or specific widgets can be helpful when reporting progress to key stakeholders in your organization. 

To export the whole dashboard use the following steps:

  1. Find the file type you would like to export (PDF or image file)
  2. Select the type of export you want to utilize (portrait view, landscape view, running feed, normal PDF or large PDF)

To export a specific widget use the following steps:

  1. Find the widget, select the three dots on the upper right-hand corner of the widget
    1. Select Download. You can download as an image or a CSV file

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