Create standard rates and fees to apply as line items on invoices.

By setting these standard invoice line items, organizations can invoice more quickly and accurately. This is especially beneficial for common IT repairs, facility rentals, and more.


How it Works

When creating an invoice, choose the standard invoice line item you want to apply from the drop-down menu in the description field.

Once you select a standard invoice line item, enter the quantity. To add additional line items, click the "+" button.

You can add additional standard invoice line items or create a one-off line item by manually adding it in the "Description" field.

Line items set to hourly for schedule requests will calculate based on the length of the event.  

How to set it up

To set up standard invoice line items follow these steps:

1. Go to Admin Settings.

2. Then, go to the Invoice Line Items section and click the "Add invoice line item" button. 

3. Fill out the following fields:

  • Name: This is the name of the standard invoice line item; this field is required.
  • Rate: The cost of the line item; this field is required. 
  • Modules: Choose which modules you would like to associate this line item with; this field is optional. 
  • Request Types: If you selected specific modules, you may limit the line item further by selecting which request types it should be associated with. 
  • Equipment type: Choose which equipment types you would like to associate this line item with; this field is optional. 
  • Resource types: Choose which resource types you would like to associate this line item with; this field is optional. 
  • Calculation Method: Hourly (for events only) or quantity-based. 

4. Select Save when you are done.

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