FMX’s Facility Inspection Tool gives California K-12 schools the ability to manage their annual inspections for the state, auto-generate a FIT report based on inspection results, and directly export and send the report to the State of California.
If you are interested in adding this feature please reach out your account manager.
How it Works
The module will work similar to our planned maintenance module. This feature comes set up with fields to fill out that are based on the FIT Inspections.
Users then solve the FIT inspection tasks by finding them in the FIT Inspection grid view or from the calendar.
Next fill out the fields on inspection. In evaluating each area or space, the user should review each of the 15 categories and make a determination of whether a particular area is in good repair. The standard for each category provides a description of a minimum standard of good repair for various school facility categories. Each section also provides examples of clean, safe and functional conditions. The list of examples is not exhaustive. If an evaluator notes a condition that is not mentioned in the examples but constitutes a deficiency, the evaluator can note such deficiency in the applicable category as “other.” This will allow the evaluator to type in their own answer. Once the determination is made, it should be recorded as follows:
(OK) No Deficiency - Good Repair:
Mark "OK" if all statements in the standard are true, and there is no indication of a deficiency in the specific category.
(D) Deficiency:
Mark “D” if one or more statement(s) in the standard for the specific category is not true, or if there is other clear evidence of the need for repair.
(X) Extreme Deficiency:
Indicate “X” if the area has a deficiency that is considered an “Extreme Deficiency” in the standard (marked with an underline) or there is a condition that qualifies as an extreme deficiency but is not noted in the standard.
(NA) Not Applicable:
If the category (building system or component) does not exist in the area evaluated, mark “NA”.
There will also be a report that is linked to this module. This report will be able to be exported from your FMX site. The fields that are filled and the report are based on the FIT reports that school districts in California do for their buildings. Fill out the "ASSOCIATED SQUARE FOOTAGE" field for this to show up on the report.
Select the option in each section by choosing from the dropdown field.
Fill out any comments you would like to be on the report in the comments field at the bottom before selecting the "Execute" button to complete the inspection.
Completed inspections will appear in the report. To access the report click "FIT Report" in the navigation pane on the left side.
The report will total the results and calculate based on "Percent of System in Good Repair =
OK's / (Total Areas - NA's)" and "Total % per Category = Average of % of Systems in Good Repair." The ranking of the score is based on:
- Good = 90% - 100%
- Fair = 75% - 89.99%
- Poor = 0% - 74.99%
The report will take the average percentage of the 8 categories and give an overall school rating. The report will also display the details of the evaluation.
The report can also be filtered to by a date range and by building. The report can be printed as well by selecting the print button or downloaded as a PDF by selecting the download button.
How to Set it Up
To use this feature create a FIT inspection task to solve for the building and the location you would like to inspect by selecting the "New Task" button in FIT Inspection grid view. These can be set to be recurring for the next time it is needed to be solved. Also these can be assigned to a user as well. Once all the needed information is filled out select the "Save" button.
Repeat this process to create FIT inspections for all of the areas you would like. Then complete each inspection by executing the occurrence. Additionally these can be created via the bulk import. See this support article for more details.
**The custom fields on the FIT Inspection are standard for this feature and should not be changed, removed, or added too. This will cause the report to not function properly.***