Often times, Resources like chairs, tables, etc. need to be grouped together. Resource Types can be used to filter the Resource field on Schedule Requests, to find Resources that fit this classification. Below are the instructions on how create Resource Types.


1. Create the Resource Types

In Admin Settings, scroll down to Resource Settings, add in your Resource Types, and save.

2. Add Schedulable Resources and classify into these Resource Types

In Resources & Locations, click "Add Resource" in the top right corner of your screen.

Enter your Resource info, and select the Resource Type that you created from the Resource Types Dropdown.

Scroll down to "Schedule Request Settings" and indicate that this is Schedulable, and check Requires approval, estimating, invoicing, has quantity, or choose permitted user types as needed. Save to confirm.

Now you have created a few Resource Types, and created a Schedulable Resource that is linked to 1 of those Resource Types. If you go back to the Resources & Locations Module, or Schedule Request Module, you are able to apply a Resource Type Filter to quickly narrow down the Resources or requests for these Resources that you see.

Repeat this process as needed to link all of your Schedulable Resources to Resource Types.

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