Enabling this feature
If your organization has made use of our other bulk actions such as bulk resolving work requests, bulk approving work requests, or bulk canceling schedule requests, then bulk assignment for Planned Maintenance tasks should already be enabled on your site. You simply need to turn it on in your user type settings. If bulk actions are not enabled for your site, please contact support@gofmx.com to have us enable it for you.
How to Turn on Bulk Assignment via user type settings
Navigate to User Type settings. Please click Admin Settings > User Types > Edit (the user type you wish to have the ability to bulk assign)
Next navigate to the Planned Maintenance access portion of the user type settings and expand the menu. Scroll down to the “Bulk assign” permission and select either Own, Accessible Buildings, or Any to turn on the feature.
How to Bulk Assign Planned Maintenance Tasks
After you turn on this feature, you should notice that checkboxes appear next to each of your planned maintenance tasks and occurrences. You may now select between 1 and 1,000 checkboxes at a time to bulk assign.
Once in the planned maintenance grid you can go to the task view or occurrence view to bulk assign. Use the filter and search bar to limit the tasks you desire to update. Check the boxes of what you would like to assign in bulk or select the checkbox at the top of the page to automatically select all the records on that page (a second checkbox will appear asking if you'd like to select up to the first 1,000 records, if applicable).
Once you are ready to bulk assign select the "Assign" icon that is above the tasks/occurrences. Then a window will appear where you can choose who you want to assign and whether you want to "Remove & add" or "Overwrite". To change these modes select the circle of what you like to do.
- Remove & add - First removes each user specified in the Remove assignee(s) field from the above requests. Then it tries to add each user specified in the Add assignee(s) field.
- Overwrite - Removes every assigned user from the above requests. Then it tries to assign each user from the Overwrite assignee(s) field.
This window will also preview some of the records and the amount of what has been selected.
Choose from the drop down lists of users you would like to remove, add or overwrite the assignment for in bulk. After you have found the users you would like to assign and that you have selected the correct records, you then must check the box that says, "I understand that this action can't easily be undone."
Lastly, click the "Assign" button. You will then be prompted by 3 different options.
- Assign selected occurrences only - All currently selected occurrences.
- Assign selected and future occurrences - All currently selected occurrences and the associated task itself.
- Assign all open occurrences - All currently selected occurrences, the associated task itself, and all other open occurrences of the associated task.
Once you select the assignment option, you will receive a confirmation banner at the top of your page alerting you of the assignment of these occurrences happening behind the scenes.