Approve multiple schedule requests at one time with the schedule request approval bulk action.
Turn on Bulk Approving via User Type Settings
Navigate to User Type settings. Please click Admin Settings > User Types > Edit (the user type you wish to have the ability to bulk approve)
Next, navigate to the Schedule Request Access portion of your user type settings and expand the menu. Scroll down to the “Bulk approve" permission and select either "Own", "Accessible Buildings", or "Any" to turn on the feature:
Bulk Approving From the Schedule Request Grid
After you turn on this feature, you should notice that check boxes appear next to each of your schedule requests. Please go to Schedule Requests and filter your schedule requests grid to the desired requests you would like to approve in bulk. Next, select the individual check boxes next to each request or select the checkbox at the top of the page to automatically select all of the requests on that page.
Once you’ve selected the requests you would like to approve, click the "Approve" button in the top right corner.
Once you click approve, you will see a window pop up with a list of the requests you’ve selected, and a check box verifying that you intend to bulk approve these occurrences. You must check this check box in order to complete the bulk action. Then select the approve button.
Then your requests will be approved.
If you have requests that have the option to be estimated and invoiced. There will be another page when you are bulk approving them.
Once you select the next page you will be able to bulk approve the requests. You can also check the box for estimating and invoicing for requests where that is an option. Then check the box for "I understand that this action can't easily be undone." and select approve.