Inventory are items that are used once or only last a short amount of time (these can also be referred to as consumables). With the Bulk Edit tool, we can update the name, type, building, location, quantity, unit price, assigned users or any custom fields associated with the inventory item of up to 1000 inventory items at a time. 

To Bulk Edit inventory  within your FMX site, follow the steps below.

To enable this tool please navigate to Admin Settings > User Types > Edit (whichever user types needs this tool) > Inventory Access > Bulk Update 

  1. Navigate to Inventory:

  1. Filter to include the inventory you want to update:

  1. Select inventory items with the checkboxes on the left-hand side, you can choose to select all of the filtered inventory by checking the topmost box:

  1. Click the "Edit" icon in the top right corner:

  1. Download the "Inventory Edit" template:

  1. Make the necessary updates to the file:

  1. Reupload the updated file in the "Template" field:

  1. Check the box off that acknowledges that "this action can't easily be undone", then click "Save" and wait a moment for the inventory to update. Finally, you can refresh the page and see your updated inventory! 

You can also watch this video here for a more in-depth tutorial! 

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