Once a user submits a request, what are the next steps? FMX has the functionality to allow users to see where their requests are and in what state they are currently in. Each module has their own states that a request can follow. In this article, you will learn the steps involved in each module. 

Note: These status are hard coded into the system and are unable to be reworded or edited.

If you would like to learn how to best color code your calendar with these status, click here to view another support article!

Schedule Requests 

Pending Resource Request has been made without a resource selected. In order to have the request move on, it requires someone to select a resource
Pending Other's Approval Request is waiting for someone in the approval order to either approve or deny the request. It will show exactly who it is waiting approval on

Pending My Approval 

Request is waiting on your immediate approval

Pending Estimate

Request has been approved and may need to be estimated by someone within the organization

Pending Estimate Acceptance

A request has been estimated and now is awaiting on the requester to approve or deny the estimate
Pending Invoice An estimate has been created and now the request is to be invoiced to the user who created the request
Pending Payment Request has been invoiced and is now waiting on payment from the requester
Finalized & Upcoming Request has been approved, invoiced if necessary, but has not happened yet
Finalized & Completed Request has been fully completed
Declined Request was denied
Canceled  Request has been canceled and no longer happening


Work Requests


Request has gone past its set due date
Pending Details Request still needs some details filled out before it can go forward
Pending Approval Request is waiting on someone to approve or deny
Pending Assignment  Request needs to be assigned to a user in order to complete it
Pending Resolution Request is now waiting for someone to resolve the issue
Pending Finalization Request has been resolved and now needs another user to finalize the job
Finalized Request has been resolved and finalized
Declined Request was not accepted
On Hold Request has been put on hold due to a reason that is determined by someone within the organization


Planned Maintenance Requests 

Overdue Request has gone past its set due date
Pending Assignment Request needs to be assigned to a user in order to complete it
Partially Completed Request has had some of the steps completed but has not been fully executed
Upcoming Request has been assigned to a user and now is waiting on the due date to execute
Pending Finalization Request has been executed by a user and now requires another step to finalize
Completed Request has been executed and finalized 



Overdue   Invoice has now gone past its original due date (will show that it is over due by changing the color of the status)
Pending Payment  Invoice has been sent and now is awaiting payment
Paid Invoice has been fully paid
Waived Invoice was sent out but then no longer needs to owe payment
Void Invoice was totally voided and no longer needed

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