What is an Audit Log? 

An audit log tracks any changes made to a request, user type, equipment, inventory, users, building or resource. Audit logs will show the date and time of any change that has been made. This can include when a request was reassigned, what custom fields were changed or who deleted it.  While audit logs can look overwhelming this article will show some of the most common items to look for! One tip is to use the find/search function from your browser by clicking the ctrl button and f. Then typing in key terms such as delete, assign or user type to help find what you are looking for! 

How do I turn on the Audit Log?

The first step to viewing an audit log is to enable it! Navigate to Admin Settings > User Types > Edit (whichever user type needs to view the audit log) > Select the module you wish to turn the audit log on for (this can be enabled for Buildings, Equipment, Inventory, Resources, Work Request Modules, Planned Maintenance, Schedule Requests and Users & Contacts) > View Audit Log 


Once the Audit Log has been enabled you can navigate to the module! Whether you are looking at Buildings or work orders the process of viewing the Audit Log will be the same. Click the three dots on the right hand side then click Audit Log


Building Audit Log

The most common question with Buildings is “Who deleted this”? You can find this out by viewing the audit log! You can filter to view the deleted Buildings then view the Audit Log. 

You will see the user “Adam Smith changed the Building” then “Is Deleted” was to True. This means Adam deleted the Building.

Maintenance Request, Technology Requests or Custom Work Modules Audit Logs

State- This will show what the status of the request was. For example, it will show when the request was Pending Approval, Pending Assignment or Pending Resolution. 

Assignment- If you need to see who was previously assigned to a work request the audit log will be able to help you! You can use the find/search function (hold ctrl+f on your keyboard) and type “Assign”. This will narrow down on the audit log where the request was assigned or reassigned. The audit log will show if a user was removed from the assignment as shown below and or added to the assignment. 

Deleted- Similar to the Building audit log, you can see who deleted a work order as well. The verbiage will be a bit different. In a work order it will say “Is Explicitly Deleted was set to True”.

Schedule Request

State Key- State Keys will show the status of the Schedule Request. Here are the different State Keys for Schedule Request and what status they are:


0- Pending Approval

2- Pending Estimate

3- Pending Estimate Acceptance

5- Pending Invoice 

6- Pending Payment

7- Finalized and Upcoming/completed 

Canceled- When a user cancels an event or occurrence it will show “Internal Canceled Timestamp”

Deleted- Similar to the Building audit log, you can see who deleted a schedule request as well. The verbiage will be a bit different. In a work order it will say “Is Explicitly Deleted was set to True”.

Resources & Locations

Name Change- A common question for resources & locations is who changed the name of this resource? If the name of a resource was changed it will show “Name was set to” then the new name. 

Schedulable- If a resource is changed from schedulable to non-schedulable it will show “Can be Scheduled was set to False”. 

If the resource is changed from non-schedulable to schedulable it will show “Can be Scheduled was set to True” 

Requires Approval- If a resource is changed from requiring approval to no longer requiring approval it will show “Requires approval was set to False”. 

If the resource is changed from not requiring approval to requiring approval it will show “Requires Approval was set to True” 

Approval Order- The audit log for approval orders will not show the previous approval order but will show if the approval order has been changed. If a change has been made to the approval order (if a user type was added or removed or the whole approval order was removed) it will show the Schedule Request Standard Approval Line ID was set to 0. This indicates that a change has been made. 

Users & Contacts 

Deleted- When a user is deleted the audit log will show “Is Deleted was set to True”

Change of User Type- When the user type is changed it will show User Type ID was set to xxxxxx. The number shown is the ID of the user type.If you need to see what the previous user type was you can copy and paste the ID number in the User Type section under Admin Settings! 

User Types 

You can view the audit log of a user type to see who changed the access or what it was previously. 

The different permissions levels (none, own, accessible buildings or any) will correspond with the numbers shown below:

0- None

1- Own 

2- Accessible Buildings

3- Any 

If the permission is a check box (such as Has Labor Rate) then True means the check box is marked. False means it is not checked.


For example, if a user type previously had the ability to see all Maintenance Requests but they no longer can and you are not sure why. You can check the audit log to see who made that change. In the screenshot below we can see the Internal Read Access Permission for the work module was set to 0. Meaning the Read request & public responses was set to None. 

If you are not sure what an audit log is showing or not finding what you are looking for please reach out to Support at support@gofmx.com for more help!

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