You can filter the grid view of your FMX modules (Maintenance, Schedule, etc.) and then export them as a spreadsheet to easily view information about your requests!
- Whatever is 'Filtered' for is what will appear on the spreadsheet, so make sure to filter for exactly the information you are looking for!
Click the 'Filter' button and select the options for what you would like to see on your spreadsheet:
There are many different options of what you can filter for, here's a brief description of each option:
- Status: Where in the workflow the request is
- Workflow Status: Whether the task Active or is it On Hold
- Building: What building the request is in
- Ownership: Who created the request, or who it was created 'On Behalf Of'
- Request Type: What 'Request Type' was selected during the creation of the request
- Custom Fields: What custom fields were used in creating the request
- If the custom field is a drop down, you will be able to select specific answers given
- Equipment: What Equipment was assigned or used in the request
- Location: What location was selected (within the building) for the request
- In the 'Schedule Request Module', this will be 'Resource' and also include 'schedulable non-location' resources
- Created date: When was the request created
- Due Date: What is the set 'due date' of the request
- Resolved Date: What date was the request resolved
- Event Date: What date the event takes place on
You can choose which columns to have appear by going to the 'Settings' button near the top right. Here, select the fields that you would like to see in the grid view/spreadsheet!
Here you will find all of the standard fields, along with any custom fields that are marked as 'searchable' in the Custom Field settings.
Once you have selected the Filters and Columns that you would like shown on the spreadsheet, click the 'Export' button next to the 'Settings'. Here, you will have the option to export the data!
CSV: Also known as 'Comma Separated Values' will export the data to your filtered data with the text 'as is'.
Excel: Your data will be exported in the tabular format common to Excel. This is similar to CSV, but will be easier to work with and read
PDF: You can either export the 'Grid View' as a PDF, or export each request within the grid view with full details!
Grid View export:
Full Details Export: