Interactive Mapping

Interactive mapping allows you to record the physical location of your assets, inventory, spaces, buildings and users. This will give you a visual of your organization to see on a map or floor plan, plan efficient maintenance routes, and manage your organization’s assets. 

General View of a Map 1.png

How to Setup Interactive Mapping

Once you have purchased Interactive Mapping a member of the FMX team will enable it for your organization. Mapping will be added to your FMX site with a custom navigation link. 

Add Pin Types

In the Admin section of interactive mapping you can set pin types for Equipment, Inventory, Resources, Buildings, Users or Non FMX Associated Pins. You can set the icon and color for each pin. These pins can be tied to a record in FMX and placed on the map to show the location of what you are tracking. 



To add a pin type select "Add pin type", to create the pin. Then fill out the name field and then select which record type this pin belongs to. If you do this then the pin will only show up for that record(equipment, inventory, user, building or resource). To limit what specific item type the pin can be associated to on the map, select an type (equipment type, inventory type, resource type, or user type) in the Record Subtype dropdown. Or leave this blank to create a pin that is not associated with anything in FMX."


Next select the icon you would like the pin to be. This dropdown is a searchable field. Lastly, select the color you would like the pin to be in the color selector and click the "save" button in the bottom left.  Repeat these steps to add more pins types. These will later be used when placing the pins on your map.  

Add Tags

Add tags to your maps to help link together similar maps. These can be filtered for in the "Maps" section. To add tags go to the "Admin" section. Then at the top select "Add tag". Then type the name of the tag. Once the tag is created when adding a new map or editing an existing map the tags are added in the field below the name of the map in the settings pane. 

Add Maps

In the Map section select the “new” button at the top of the screen. Then select “Image map”, "Geo Map" or "Map Group". 

  • Image Map - Create a map based on an image file you upload.
  • Geo Map - Create a map based on the location of an area.
  • Map Group - Group maps together to easily find related maps.

Image Map


Once you select image map you will be able to choose a file from your computer by selecting "choose image". The image can be any of the following file types, JPEG, PNG, or SVG.  


Once your file has been imported you can name your map in the "Map name" field. In the settings pane you can check/uncheck the boxes for "Pan enabled" or "Zoom enabled" to limit the area of the maps and how far users can zoom in. Use the plus and minus buttons to zoom in and out to set the map where you would like it and then uncheck the boxes to lock it in.  



Geo Map

Once you select "Geo map" you will be able to create the map.

In the settings pane there will be a field to fill out for the map name and to add tags to the map. Next select the magnifying glass near the settings pane on the left of the screen. Then enter in the address, zip code or city of the area you would like to create the geo map for. 


In settings pane you can check/uncheck the boxes for "Pan enabled" or "Zoom enabled" to limit the area of the maps and how far users can zoom. Use the plus and minus buttons to zoom in and out to set the map where you would like it and then uncheck the boxes to lock it in. 



In the "Basemap Style" field you can select between the Roadmap, Satellite, Terrain or Creative styles. Underneath this field you can choose the "Basemap variant". You can choose from "Default", "Dark", or "Gray".


Map Groups

Create map groups to categorize similar maps together. This can make it easier to find related maps and switch between them. To create a map group in the maps view select the "New" button in the top left and select "Map Group". Then fill out the name filed for the group. 


Once a map group has been created you can create maps in the group by selecting the "New" button in the group. Maps can be removed from the group by clicking the vertical three dots of the map you would like to remove from the group. 



Ungrouped maps can be added to a group while in the map view. Click the vertical three dots of the map you would like to put in a group. Then select "Add to group".


Maps that are in the same group can be toggled between when viewing/editing by clicking on the map name drop down field in the bottom right corner.


Add/Manage Users

Users of your FMX site will have access to Interactive Mapping from FMX. In your FMX site the link to interactive mapping is done through a custom nav link. This link can be limited to certain user types in your FMX site. To update this in your FMX site go to the "Admin Settings". Then go to "Custom Nav Links".

Once you are in there you can edit add/edit existing links. To edit who has access to a link click the "edit" icon of the link you would like to update. Then in the "Permitted user types" field add/remove the user types you would like to have access to the link. When you are done click save. 


The permission levels for mapping are:

  • Admin - Full access to mapping 
  • Edit 
    • Place Pins
    • Edit/Move Pins
    • Remove Pins
    • Add Map Images
    • Remove Map Images
    • Renamed Map Images
  • View - View only access to mapping
  • None - No access to mapping

To set the default user access go to the Admin section. Next select "FMX Settings". The default will only apply to a user who has not yet logged into mapping. If this is not set a user will default to admin. 

In this menu you will see drop down fields for each level of access for interactive mapping. Select the user types in each list to determine what the user's permissions will be when they first open mapping. This will not override a user that has opened mapping prior to the change. Also make sure that the user type you are setting access for has access to the custom nav link. Select save when finished. 



In interactive mapping to manage individual users go to the "Users" section. Once in there you will be able to edit/delete mapping users. To change a user's level of access select the "edit" icon. Then in the access dropdown field you can choose their permission level.  



Placing Pins

Once your pin types and maps have been created you can place pins on the map for your resources, inventory, equipment, users, buildings or non-associated pins. 

This can be done while creating the map or by editing an existing map. To edit an existing map in the "Maps" section click the three vertical dots and select "Edit".  Or when viewing a map click the "Edit map" button. 


Once you are in the map editor you can select what pin you would like to create by clicking the add button at the top. Here you can a select from equipment, inventory, users, resource, building or pin(pin not associated with a record in FMX). Then click on the map where you would like the pin to be placed. In the editor pins can be dragged to different areas on the map if needed. 



When creating pins for a record that is in FMX, once you select the option you would like you will then be able to search for the item in the dropdown field. Once you find the desired item you can select the pin type if there are multiple options for it. Then select close when you are done. 




Continue this process to place pins on your map by selecting the add button at the top. To change the type of item you placing select the down arrow next to the button to change what you are adding to the map. When you are finished select the "Save" button in the settings pane. 

Updating Maps

To update existing maps go to the "Maps" tab. Find the map you would like to update and select the three vertical dots and choose edit. This will take you back to the editor where you can place new pins, move existing pins or remove pins. Or while viewing a map click the "Edit map" button. 


You can use the filter to limit the pins that you see on a map. When viewing a map select the filter icon in the upper left of the map. This will bring out a filter menu. You can filter by the "Record type"(Equipment, Inventory, User, Resource, Building, or Pin), the Record Subtype (Equipment type, Inventory type, User type, or Resource type) or the mapping pin type.  You can filter by one of these options or by a combination of them. 

Printing Maps

To print a map go to the Maps tab and select the map you would like to print. Once in the map select the printer icon in the bottom left of the map. Then choose the option you would like. You can choose from "Landscape", Portrait" or Selected area".


Selected area will allow you to highlight a portion of the map to print. 


Mobile View

Interactive Mapping can be used on your mobile device or tablet. To access this feature log in to FMX on your device's web browser and click the mapping link. Maps can be viewed/updated on mobile.













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