If you are experiencing difficulties receiving notification emails there are a few things you can do which may solve your problem:

1. Make sure that your FMX email preferences are configured properly so that you are being sent the notifications you wish to receive. http://help.gofmx.com/hc/en-us/articles/205449249-Email-Preferences-I

2.  Check your junk or spam folder

3. Verify that you do not have email filters set to filter out messages sent from <yourhostname>.gofmx.com 

4. If you are using Microsoft Outlook or Office 365, check to see if the new Clutter feature is filtering your FMX emails. https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Use-Clutter-to-sort-low-priority-messages-in-Outlook-7b50c5db-7704-4e55-8a1b-dfc7bf1eafa0

4. Consult your IT department. Ask if their are any overarching email routing rules applied that could be causing delivery failures.

You will also want to verify that the following IP addresses are whitelisted:


5. Contact FMX support to make sure the email address you provided has not bounced or dropped. When contacting support please grab a screenshot of the output from running this email deliverability tool. If the tool produces any errors such as the DMARC and DKIM errors below please take that information to your IT team to confirm if all is configured correctly:

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