Email preferences determine what types of notification you'll receive from FMX. These notifications go to the email address associated with your FMX user account.

*The available email subscriptions vary depending on the module and the user's user type permissions. These permissions can be updated by an administrator in Admin Settings > User Types > Edit a user type > Click [Module] Notifications. What is set up here determines which emails show up to choose from in this user type's profile in Users & Contacts.

1. Your email preferences can be adjusted at any time and are listed under your personal settings, which you can access by clicking on the profile photo or your initials on the top right corner of your screen. Select Account settings

2. Once you click the photo/initials, scroll down until you see "Email Preferences"

3. Within this section, you will see that your email preferences are broken down into the different modules within your FMX site. These can consist of Inventory, Maintenance Requests, Planned Maintenance, Schedule Requests, etc.

Within each section, you can decide which notifications you'd like to subscribe to; making it more personalized to your preferences.

The options you have to choose from will vary depending on the module and your user type's permissions.

You can also choose to not select anything from the drop down options, which will automatically default to Don't email me.


Notifications can also be more specific when a particular request type or custom field on a request form is submitted:

You also have the option to receive recurring PDF reports if you would like.

Lastly, you can decide when you would like to receive these notifications:


Preferred notification time - If you prefer to receive all of your reports at specified time of the day, you may indicate that time here.

The default time is 12:00 am.

4. After you have made your changes, make sure to scroll to the bottom and click “Save.”

For a more in-depth look at how to set email preferences, watch this short tutorial video!

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