Schedule requests, commonly referred to as events, are submissions that require the use of your organization's facilities. Events can range anywhere from internal staff meetings and conferences to athletic and community events. Schedule requests can either be one-time events or recurring events.
To bulk import schedule requests into your FMX site, follow the steps below:
*The ability to bulk import data is configured at the user type level by each module. This must be set up by a site administrator.
1. Navigate to Bulk Imports tab on the left-hand side of your page:
2. Click on the New Import button at the top right of the page:
3. Select Schedule Request Import:
4. Populate the template with the required information; these are all columns that contain an asterisk (*).
Name*: This is the title of the schedule request or event. If you're importing historical data from another system, you may want to include the ID number for tracking purposes.
*FMX will create a unique ID for each schedule request when imported.
Examples: Board Meeting, Girl Scouts, Youth Basketball Practice, Varsity Football vs. Central, etc.
Request Type*: This refers to the category of schedule request.
Name*: Board Meeting
Request Type*: Internal
*Schedule requests cannot be imported unless the request type exists in FMX.
Building*: This is the building where the schedule request will take place.
Name*: Board Meeting
Building*: High School
Request Type*: Internal
*Schedule requests cannot be imported unless the building exists in FMX.
Resources*: This refers to the specific area or location in the building where the event will take place.
Name*: Board Meeting
Building*: High School
Request Type*: Internal
Resource*: Conference Room
Other resource: If your organization utilizes the "other resource" permission, this is a field where you can type in a new resource that doesn't currently exist in FMX.
Created Date* and Time*: the date and time when the event was submitted
User*: the user who submitted the schedule request
Date*: the date of the event
Start Time: the time when the event begins
End Time: the time when the event concludes
*If the start and end times are not included on the template, the schedule request will be submitted as an all day event.
Setup Duration (minutes): the minutes needed prior to the start time for the event set up
Tear down Duration (minutes): the minutes needed following the end time for the tear down of the event
Repeat*: This field refers to the frequency of the event. The options are as follows:
- Never - The event occurs one time.
- Daily - The event occurs every (x) days.
- Weekly - The event occurs every (x) weeks on (x) days.
- Monthly - The event occurs every (x) months.
- Yearly - The event occurs every (x) years.
- Custom - frequency with a unique cadence
On behalf of: If another user requested the event but didn't directly enter the request in FMX, type their name in here.
*The following columns (Daily through Custom) will need to be filled out based on the frequency of the event selected in the preceding Repeat* column.
Every X days: the event will occur every (number) of days
Sunday-Saturday: select the days the event occurs each week by marking the appropriate day column with a "1" or a "Y" for yes.
Example: an event that occurs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; every week
Every X weeks: the event will occur every (number) of weeks
Mode: The mode refers to the manner in which the schedule request occurs. There are 4 mode options:
- Day of month - event occurs on a specific date each month (i.e. the 1st of each month)
- Day of week - event occurs on a specific day each month (i.e. the second Friday each month)
- Weekday of month - event occurs on a specific date each month, excluding weekend days (i.e. the first of each month unless it's a weekend, then move to the first weekday)
- Weekend day of month - event occurs on a specific date each month, excluding weekdays (i.e. the first of each month unless it's a weekday, then move to the first weekend day)
Every X months: the event will occur every (number) of months
*Quarterly events will need to be set up as Monthly, every 3 months.
*Semi-Annual events will need to be set up as Monthly, every 6 months.
Every X years the event will occur every (number) of years
*Biannual events will need to be set up as Yearly, every 2 years.
Mode – The mode refers to the manner in which the schedule request ends. There are 6 mode options:
- Following Week – the event recurrences will end the week after the original event date
- Following Month –the event recurrences will end the month after the original event date
- Following Year – the event recurrences will end the year after the original event date
- After X Times – the event will end after (number) recurrences, including the first occurrence
- On Date – the event recurrences will end on a specified date
Dates – If the event has multiple recurrences without a particular cadence, enter the individual dates, breaking them out by separate lines using the Alt+Enter shortcut.
Make Private – If you want to make this request private (only visible by user types with private read access), enter "1" or "Y" for yes here.
Custom Fields: Custom fields are always an option if you need to add any other required/non-required details to your schedule requests. Custom fields must be added by a site administrator.
5. Once you have completed filling out the import template, save the document to your device.
6. Navigate back to the Bulk Import page in FMX.
7. Title the name of your import in the Title section.
8. Next, click on the paperclip icon in the Template section to upload your completed import file
9. Once your bulk import is titled and the file is uploaded, hit the Save button to complete your import.
10. If there are any errors on the import, such as typos or mismatched records, FMX will steer you in the right direction by pinpointing the column, row, and cell of the error.
Click here to read more about bulk import errors and how to fix them.
11. Once you have corrected the errors on your template and re-saved the file, repeat steps 7-8.
12. When your import has been completed, a green banner message will appear at the top of your screen that reads "Success! (Your template name) has been imported with (x of records) records".