FMX allows organizations to create and customize work request types as a way for them to categorize their Maintenance, Technology, or Planning Requests as well as Schedule Requests.

Adding Work Request Types

1. Click on Admin Settings in the left sidebar, then select the Request Types tab towards the top of your screen.

2. Click on the Add request type button in the top right hand corner.

3. Enter the request type Name, select the Module it should be associated with, select the User types that are allowed to submit requests of this type, and enter a number for the Default days until due. (see example below). 

*NOTE: Entering a Standard Request Name automatically assigns a name to a request when it is created. This value can contain static text and dynamic placeholders. A placeholder is just a special text value that is substituted with a property from the request. For example,{Start time} event at {Building} would generate 5:00 PM event at High School for a request that starts at 5:00 PM in the High School building. In addition to start time and building, there are many other placeholders. 

*NOTE: Default days until due indicates the number of days between the date the request was submitted and the date that the request will appear on the FMX calendar, or the due date. If "0" is entered, the request will appear on the FMX calendar on the date that it was submitted. The Default days until due setting will be used by default unless the user submitting the request has the ability to select a custom due date (their user type must have Can access due date permission for work requests to do so). 

4. Click the Save button to add the new work request type.

Editing Work Request Types

1. Click on Admin Settings in the left sidebar, then select Request Types toward the top of your screen.

2. Click on the Edit icon across from the desired work request type (see below). 


3. Edit the request type settings as needed and click the Save button at the bottom to save your changes. 

Deleting Work Request Types

1. Click on Admin Settings in the left sidebar, then at the top of your screen, select Request Types.

2. Click the 3 vertical dots menu to the right of the row that the request type is listed, and choose Delete from the dropdown menu. 


3. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the next page to confirm.

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