If you've signed up for an FMX free trial or if you were invited to join your organization's site by an administrator, follow the steps below to log in to FMX for the first time.

1. Check your email inbox. You should have received an email from no-reply@yourcompany.gofmx.com with a link to activate your account.


2. After clicking on the activation link, you will be taken to a page to create a password. Enter a password and re-enter the password to confirm it. Click Continue to log into your site.



3. After you've successfully logged in, you may save or bookmark your organization's FMX site found at yourcompanyname.gofmx.com/login for ease of access. 

We also offer the option of signing on through an SSO (Single Sign On). Click here to view other articles and learn more about our different SSO option that we can integrate with. 

For instructions on how to retrieve a lost or forgotten password, click here.

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