The following branding changes will help ensure that the user's experience feels integrated with the rest of your organization.
Updating your Organization Name, Time Zone & Currency Symbol
Your FMX account name appears on your FMX organization page and in email notifications. Your organization time zone should be set to accommodate the majority of your users. Admins and users can also change their time zone on an individual account level. To change your organization's settings:
- Click Admin Settings in the left sidebar.
- Under the General tab find the General section and update the Name field.
- Under the Regional Settings section, choose your organization's Time zone from the drop down list.
- Enter your Currency symbol.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
Changing the logo on your site
You can customize the logo on your site, the logo on your log in screen, the logo when you print and the favicon logo. To change your logo:
- Click Admin Settings in the left sidebar.
- Under the General tab, scroll down to the Logo Settings and then select the Landing Page Logo (logo that appears on the log in screen), Sidebar logo (logo that appears on the top left hand corner), Favicon Logo (logo that appears on your browser's tab), or Print logo (logo that appears on print outs).
- Click the Select file button next to the logo you wish to add.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
Adding ID Numbers to Requests
FMX can generate unique ID numbers automatically for every request that is made in the system. To turn on request ID numbers:
- Click Admin Settings in the left sidebar.
- Under the General tab, each module setting you have enabled (Schedule Request, Maintenance Request, Technology Request, Custom Work Request, Planned Maintenance, Transportation Request) has a Show Request ID.
- Check all request types you would like to turn on ID numbers for.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
Customizing your email templates
You can change your email footers to be consistent with the rest of your organization. This email footer will appear on all email notifications generated by FMX. To add a custom email footer:
- Click Admin Settings in the left sidebar.
- Under the General tab, scroll down to the Email Footer.
- Add a custom email footer.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Save
Schedule Request email templates
- Click Admin Settings in the left sidebar.
- Under the General tab, scroll down to the Schedule Request Settings and find Estimate Email Footer and Invoice Email Footer.
- Add a custom email footer.
- Scroll to the bottom and click Save.