An administrator or user type with "create inventory" access can add your organization's equipment data. To add an inventory item:

1. Select the Inventory module in the left sidebar.

2. Click on Add inventory in the top right-hand corner of the page.

3. Enter the inventory *Name, *Type, *Building. *Location, any associated Equipment items, *Current Quantity, Minimum Quantity, and Unit Price.

Click here to learn how to add additional inventory type options.

4. Capture any additional inventory fields. If you would like to capture custom information about your inventory (ex. Supplier, Part Number, etc.), this is certainly possible. Click here to learn how to create custom inventory fields.

5. You also have the ability to add an image of the piece of inventory which can be viewed from the grid view instead of clicking into the inventory. This is done by attaching an image in the image attachment option below the Type.

5. Hit Save to add the inventory item.

*If you have a long list of inventory items to add, it would be more efficient to use the bulk import feature or reach out the the FMX Support team at for assistance.

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