Maintenance, technology, or custom work request approval hierarchy

building overrides request type, which then overrides organization

Setting up a request type level Maintenance, Technology Or Custom Work Request Approval Process - You may set up an approval process for each request type. This approval process will override any default process configured at the organization level. Follow the steps below to set up a building approval process:

  1. Click Admin Settings in the left sidebar
  2. Under the Request Type tab go to "Add Request Type" or go to "Details" to edit an existing request type
  3. Select the Approval Order and using the drop down list. You can add multiple levels of approval by using the green plus sign. The largest number will be the final approval tier and this user type will be able to bypass all other levels of approval if need be. If you do not see a user type option on the drop down list, view the user type editor to confirm that the user type is able to "Approve/Decline" schedule requests. You will also want to confirm all user types that will be required to go through the approval process in the user type editor by checking the "Requires approval" box
  4. You can also add multiple users to one approval tier if more than one user type is allowed to approve the request
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click Save

Setting up an organization level Maintenance, Technology Or Custom Work Request Approval Process:

  1. Click Admin Settings in the left sidebar
  2. Under the General tab scroll down to either Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Request Settings:

  1. Select the Approval Order using the drop down lists. You can add multiple levels of approval by using the green plus sign. The largest number will be the final approval tier and this user type will be able to bypass all other levels of approval if need be. If you do not see a user type option is this list, view the user type editor to confirm the user type is able to "Approve/Decline" this type of work request. You will also want to confirm all user types that will be required to go through the approval process in the user type editor by checking the "Requires approval" box
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save

Setting up a request type level Maintenance, Technology Or Custom Work Request Approval Process:

  1. Click on Admin Settings on the left sidebar.
  2. Select Request types at the top of the screen.
  3. Either add new request type or select an existing one.
  4. Update the approval order under Maintenance request settings


Setting up a building level Maintenance, Technology Or Custom Work Request Approval Process:

  1. Click Building on the left sidebar
  2. Select the building you want to add the approval order to and then select edit.
  3. Add in the approval order where it says Maintenance, Technology, or Custom Work Request Settings.


Note: If you want a user to only approve and receive approval email notifications for a certain building, make sure their user type "Approve/Decline" access is set to accessible buildings.

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