Reservation Finder allows users to see the open times of a resource easily, along with more details such as capacity and photos. This is a great tool for your external users so they can find the right space for them instead of having to do a lot of guess work. It allows organizations to market their available spaces easily.

Overview of Features: 

  1. Provides a List with Details of Event Spaces
  2. Show Available Timeslots
  3. Users are Able to See Scheduling Rate Ranges
  4. Can Be Utilized by External Users such as Community Users
  5. Add Photos / Photo Gallery Available
  6. Capacity Size Available
  7. Filter by Specific Event Needs
  8. Search Bar for Keyword Search on Resources


How it Works in FMX: 

1. A detailed list of available spaces for the filtered date and times: 

2. Available Timeslots shown: 

3. Capacity Shown: 

4. Photos Attached / Photo Gallery for visuals of space and set up possibilities:

5. Filter by Event Needs like Capacity, Type of Resource, Days of the Week Available: 

From there it will populate a list that fits your criteria: 

6. If you know the space you would like to reserve, you can always do a Keyword Search in the Search bar: 


Getting Reservation Finder Set Up: 

In order for Reservation Finder to work, your site must have the following:

  • Your API must be turned on. This can be done by your Customer Outcome Manager, or your Account Manager.
  • The User Type(s) that you'd like to access reservation finder must have the user type permissions "View reservation time" set to "Any" under Schedule Request Access, and under Building and Resource Access, their "Read" permission must also be set to "Any."
  • You need 2 custom fields created for your Resources - Capacity, and Display Image (More on this below)
  • In General Admin Settings, you must have at least 1 resource type set up, with resources assigned to that resource type. (More on this below)

1. You can reach out to your Customer Outcome Manager or Account Manager to get started on setting up this feature from a technical standpoint. 

2. In the meantime, the first step you and your team can take is adding any photos, blueprints, set up diagrams or other attachments to your Resources in FMX: 

  • You can do this by navigating to Admin Settings
    • Create a Custom Field called Display Image.
    • Make sure that it is an Attachment type of Custom Field and that it is for Resources.
    • Click save 

Repeat these steps to create an additional custom field called "Capacity." The type will be a number, and this field is also going to be for "Resources."

  • Once the Custom Fields have been created, you can navigate to Resources & Locations, click on any of the Resources you are trying to add photos to, or add a capacity for, and then click Edit
    • From there, you are able to add all the attachments you desire to have show up in Reservation Finder, along with capacity info, as needed!


3. Another aspect that you and your team can set up is Resource Types in FMX: 

  • Navigate to Admin Settings in the first tab called General
  • Scroll down and find the Resource Settings section
  • Check the "Allow parent-child relationships" box
  • From there, you will be able to add in options for Resource Types 

4. Our FMX team will work on adding in the other custom fields and setting up the Reservation Finder module on your sidebar. This does require us to get some help from our Engineers so we appreciate your patience as they work to deploy the feature to your FMX site! 

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Support or to your main point of contact (Account Manager or Customer Success Manager!)

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