This guide walks through how to set up Manual Utility Tracking using the following setup form.


After opening the Setup Form Template, click "Use Template" in the top right corner. Then follow the provided steps to complete it.

Bill Entry Details

Now that you know which reports you require, think about the data you want to capture from each of your bills. We recommend only capturing the data required to supply the above reports to minimize your team's time inputting each data point.

List these data points in the leftmost column of the second table.


For each entry, check the boxes to indicate which utility types require this entry and select its data type. If you require more utility types or rows for entries, you can add new columns or rows by left-clicking a cell and selecting either "Add Row" or "Add Column."


Finally, not all data capture needs to be manually entered. Each entry can also include automatically calculated formulas to save time manually entering these calculations.


For each formula, select which utility type it applies to, and include the calculation required to create this formula.

NOTE: To use an entry field in the calculation, use brackets such as "[Total Cost]" and be sure the entry field is listed in the above table.

Reporting Needs

The last step is to determine what details need to be included in your utility reports. These metrics are the KPIs your organization is responsible for monitoring and sharing with outside stakeholders.

Some examples include:

  • Total Cost
  • Cost / Square Foot
  • Total Kwh
  • Demand Cost
  • Etc.

FMX will require you to complete a questionnaire to help us assess the scope and design the reporting project to your specifications. You will receive this questionnaire during the implementation of your utility tracking module.

What you want to track is entirely up to you. If you need some ideas on what you'd like to see presented on a report, please review the examples below:

  • Total: This will display a summary of this metric as a single number or KPI.


  • By Utility: This will display a pie chart of this metric broken down by utility type.


  • By Year/Quarter/Month: This will display a line graph of this metric over time.


  • By Building/Location/Meter: This will display a bar graph of this metric by location.



Of course, you're not limited to these options. If you require any specific visuals or metrics to be tracked on a report, please include those details in the questionnaire so FMX can create the best possible solution for your needs.


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