Assigning users to schedule requests (and viewing assignments)
We’ve added the ability to assign users to schedule request given the proper user type permission! You can set this up by selecting the person icon when looking at your schedule requests. For more information on assigning requests take a look at this article in our Learning Center!
Fractional Quantities for Inventory
Have you ever wanted to add or subtract fractional quantities to your inventory? Now you can by selecting the plus and minus icon and typing in the fractional number!
Transportation Request Types
You can now create different transportation request types! To set this up simply navigate to Request types under Organizational Settings and select Transportation in the Module field. For more information on adding Request Types, take a look at this article from our Learning Center.
Auto-Assigning Users to Work Requests
We recently released the ability to automatically assign users to your work requests! Just simply navigate to your Request Types under Organizational Settings and select which users you would like to be auto-assigned to that request type! Check out this article in our Learning Center for more information on auto-assigning users.
Unassigning a User from a Request
You can now completely unassign a user from a work request! To do this, all you have to do is navigate to the specific work request and select the “x” next to the user assigned. Just make sure to hit save!
Custom Fields for Resources
You now have the ability to add custom fields (such as square feet) to your resources and locations! Simply navigate to the Organizational Settings and select Custom Fields. Just make sure to select Resources for the Module! For more information on adding Custom Fields, take a look at this article in our Learning Center.
Exclude a Date Range for Repeating Planned Maintenance Tasks
Have you ever wanted to skip a certain time frame of your Planned Maintenance Task? Now you can by filling out the “Exclude from” and “Thru” date fields! This feature allow you to exclude certain dates from your Planned Maintenance Task. Check out this article in our Learning Center for more information on creating Planned Maintenance Tasks!
Overdue Filter for Purchase Orders
You now have the ability to filter your Purchase Orders by the Overdue Status. Simply navigate to the filter button in the Purchase Order Module, select Status and then Overdue.
API for Reading Buildings, Work Requests, and Schedule Requests
You can now utilize the FMX API to easily read equipment, resource, building, work request or schedule request data. This will allow your organization to build custom connections to perform a variety of functions including:
- Creating invoices in Quickbooks Online based on completed work orders in FMX
- Pull key FMX data into business intelligence software to create reports and dashboards
- Automatically schedule HVAC equipment based on schedule request data in FMX
- And much more!
To access FMX API documentation, navigate to .