You can place your requests on hold, filter them out of your workflow, and set up notifications when it's time to review them.

How It Works

Placing tickets on hold:

  1. Click on the icon that looks like a hand
  2. Fill in the required fields
  3. Click "Place Hold"


Ending a hold:

  1. Click on the icon "End Hold"
  2. Click "End Hold"


Filtering out tickets on hold from the grid view:

  1. Click on the button "Filter"
  2. Navigate to the section titled, "Workflow Status"
  3. Check "Active" to see NONE of the tickets placed on hold
  4. Check "On Hold" to see ONLY the tickets placed on hold



Filtering out tickets on hold from reporting dashboards:

  1. Open one of the following reports
    • Comprehensive Operations
    • Team Performance
    • Work Summary Dashboard
  2. Open the filters on the right side of the screen
  3. Check the toggle for "Exclude On-Hold Time" (Team Performance) or "Exclude On-Hold Requests" (Comprehensive Operations and Work Summary Dashboard)
    • Enabled = Time spent on hold and current on hold tickets will be REMOVED
    • Disabled = Time spent on hold and current on hold tickets will be INCLUDED


Setup Instructions

How to enable:

  1. Go into "Admin Settings"
  2. Select "User Types"
  3. Choose a user type and click "Edit"
  4. Open a work request access section, i.e., "Maintenance Request Access"
  5. Navigate to the field titled "Can place and end hold"
  6. Choose one of the following options:
    • "Own" - only requests they create
    • "Accessible Buildings" - only requests for buildings they have access to
    • "Any" - all requests
  7. Repeat for "Edit on hold" (optional)
  8. Click "Save"




How to add custom fields:

  1. Go into "Admin Settings"
  2. Select "Custom fields"
  3. Click the button "Add custom field"
  4. Give it a name and type
  5. Select "on hold placement" in the "for" dropdown
  6. Fill in the remaining fields (optional)
  7. Click "Save"



How to setup date notifications:

  1. Create a custom field, following the above instructions
  2. Ensure "Type" is "Date"
  3. Go to "Account Settings"
  4. Navigate to the "Email Preferences"
  5. Under the appropriate request type, click on the dropdown, "Email me when a request..."
  6. Select "On hold custom notification date is reached."
  7. Click "Save"


NOTE: Only ONE custom notification date reached notification can be setup.

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